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Reviews for "McDonald's videogame"

Pure Simulation Goodness.

This is a PERFECT business simulation game that goes more in depth than just how many burgers you want to sell. Buy the land, raise the beef, process the beef, sell the burger, and control advertisement in this excellent simulation of what it'd be like to run a McDonald's restaurant. The best part is if your trying to burn time the game never ends. So just keep getting money.

(My record: $2552710.50)


Great game

Its a great game and it shows how evil and corrupt corporations like Mcdonalds can be. For people that are having problems, take my advice into consideration. When ever I am in the negatives (money) I pause the game. Look for problems, fire some employs, cut back on spending. Then press play. I made it to June 2013. good luck.


This is an addictive game but is hard..the employees will always disobey and loses money like water...all you have to do is make the game easier, then more people will like/play it.

soo fun

this thing is so fckin hard and fun!!


i beat this game!
