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Reviews for "McDonald's videogame"


This is the perfect game to play anywhere especially if u r at school its amazing. no sorry its AMAZING!!!!

Fun and yet still tastes like chicken

It's challenging but just enough so your kept on your toes and arn't bored 10 mins into it.

hints for people who suck at this game;
get hormoes
get alot of cows
ignore far people
ignore your boss
and currupt a polition

I MC Love it

Year 2032 - I must have done something right although granted it is a very hard game but an amazing parody. I love the style of game play and graphics and would love to see some form of a sequel.


2 day I made it as far as i ever had and could only play 4 like a half hour. Really hard, really fun

Awesomely addictive

I got everyone in the computer lab at school addicted to this game. We're obsessed!