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Reviews for "McDonald's videogame"

Lets show those BIG Coperations

This game is addicting until you get the hang of it, but i still love it, and it really does show people how coniving those Big Corperations are, such as... as soon as you turn that childerns advertising button you start rolling in the dinero! which is politicaly correct, if any of you see saturday morning cartoons there head deep in Big Corperation Advertising, THUS! i love this game, great job!

its really hard but good

i work there aswell but i cant even run it for 5 minutes

Incredibly Hard

Wow, this game is hard, but that's what makes me keep coming back for more. It's almost impossible to find a perfect balance to where you won't lose, but I keep trying to find it. If only those stupid environmentalists didn't care so much about the trees. Great game.

so true

This game tells the cold hard truth of Mcdonald's way of making their food. Fun game 10\10

Awesome and time consuming!

I always play this when I have free time. It's definitely one of the funnest games ever. My high score: January 2071. Let's see how many of you could beat that!