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Reviews for "McDonald's videogame"


why wont the machine take the cows from the farm into the damn barn quickly? i mean the cows are already fat.....i went from 90.000 to nothing and i got fired because of that...

look im not saying its a bad game ...but ive tried 7 times and it keeps doing the same thing..... i tried it slowly this time..saving my time and shit...then again comes the fat cows on the farm with the machine NOT TAKING THEM....

p.s. dude they get sick too fast ...AND wise up before you make the game dont rush... look think first of the damn possibilities of making a good game that people COULD FINISH... i know your acting up of making a hard game........but a hard game with alot of glitches and no way of winning it..........i mean the person who gave you the REVIEW of him making 740.000 dollars on 2047 or something like that


not fun.

Sometimes,i get errors that i don't understand like the growths not good or increse the soy production,or raise the butchering

it sucks you cant even last a miniute in it

Broken game, hamburgers never appear