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Reviews for "Master Chief Dress-Up"


It was pretty good, high originality, not many people would of thought of a dress up, its usually pimp my ride or something like that, you need better graphics and sound, but besides that its a good piece of flash.

KungFuCow responds:

Yeah, a lot of people commented that it was original, I think it might be the first ever Master Chief dress up game. Better sound? I thought it was good, other people said it was good too. Graphics, meh, might update later. Thanks for the review.

preaty good

that was good. I do know that u ripped ure weapond off of things but still,it was good. But if ure gonna make a carbine adleast make it possible to make MC haold it!

KungFuCow responds:

Thanks for the compliment. And you are correct, I just sort of traced the weapons, but I might update this dress-up later with better graphics and such. And PLEASE improve your grammer, sir.


eh i hav seen better and the graphics were really bad and the waeopans didnt fit in basically it was a affront to the great and awesome MASTER CHIEF!

KungFuCow responds:

Take your vile, grammatically challenged insults elsewhere.


pretty funny shit. Submited it to Halo collection.


Psst... Plz do the same for my "Nintendo Polka" on: Music Video.

KungFuCow responds:

Thanks, it made it into 2 collections! I did the same for you.

Hey nice dress up!

I especially liked the guns. How did you get them too look that way? Did you draw them, or just shade them using the original art?

KungFuCow responds:

Something like the second one, I took the original art and bitmap traced it, then tweeked it some to make it look beter.