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Reviews for "Master Chief Dress-Up"


If only every flash was like this! Next time post it in luthuanian so everyone will go "WTF?!?!?!?" in there reviews.

IM gonna fifen this everyday until i forget (next tuesday, give or take a day)

KungFuCow responds:

I'm pretty sure that if I had posted it in Lithuanian, my score would have been lower because almost no one would be able to understand it. And thanks for the review, Matt :p


so the crazy lithuanian finally got on.
and in only 4 tries. good for you.
it was the coolioiestest.

KungFuCow responds:

You DARE to question my flash skill, MICHAEL? NO LITHUANIAN PIMP FARMING FOR YOU!! :P

Pretty good

As far as dressups go it was okay. I've played some where the clothes aren't even remotely close to fitting, so you can see what scale I measure them on :P. Nice music (the Halo theme is always a winner with me and I don't even like Halo!), wide range of clothes and accessories. Overall, pretty good.

KungFuCow responds:

Your review word-wise sounds a lot better than your score... : (

Well done

It was well done, keep it up. Found a bug, if you click on one of the music buttons, it starts playing the song over the current one. Other than that it was good.

KungFuCow responds:

Thats what the stop music button is for. Read authors comments before playing a game next time.

Good, but its missing something

This has a lot of potential, I really liked how you drew the guns, very profesional. But when you try to make the chief hold the guns, if it is not a dual wieldable weapon, it looks a little silly.

KungFuCow responds:

Thanks. Well, I guess I could update this in the future with a button or something that would allow you to change the MC's position so that he could dual wield guns...