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Reviews for "Master Chief Dress-Up"


that was fun. you could have made it so it looks like he was holdin the weapon though. plus stop being lazy and actualy draw it instead of trace bitmap. it was funny what was written on his pink pants.

KungFuCow responds:

It looked like he was holding the weapons for most of them, except I guess for the bigger ones. Lol, ok, I will stop being lazy. I'll trace it. And yeah, you are one of the few who noticed what was written on the pink pants :)

i love it!

it would be nice if u could make another one with diffrent ppl in it. and try to make the graphics better, and more items and stuff okay?

KungFuCow responds:

I won't be making any more dress-ups for a long long time. I might not make any more at all. But I will improve the graphics in this one. And add more stuff :)


Never expected to see this. ^_^ Great graphics, organization was fantastic! Interactivity is a no-brainer. You can even choose the song and background! I thought it was amusing. The music was kinda quiet, but I like it that way. Overall, an 8. This is going on my favorites!

KungFuCow responds:

I wouldn't say that the graphics were great, or that it had fantastic organization, but thanks! Although you said it's going on your favorites, I checked your profile and it's not there :(

sweet traks

i love ur halo sound traks. i can pinpoint the part where trak 2 was used in da game halo 2. it was wen u land on halo 2 and reach the point called OF THE ROCK THROUGH THE BUSH NOTHING BUT JAKAL.
lol i admit im a halo nerd anywa nicely done 1 suggestion tho.
make the armour interchaingable so u can change its colour or make a button 2 switch to make tha character for covenant campaign ARBITER

KungFuCow responds:

The tracks aren't mine, thank the authors that I credited:P
HALO NERDS UNITE! I also love halo, maybe you have a gamertag? PM me if interested. And thanks for the suggestions, they have been noted.


Though the grpahics could be improved, I think it's great. Who would of thought of a dress up Master chief!! Maybe you should do the same for marines and elites...
Overall great, well done.

KungFuCow responds:

Yeah, I know, pretty original huh? :)
Well, I did think of making more dress-up games, but I'm still not sure.