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Reviews for "Master Chief Dress-Up"

finnaly a good dress-up game...

lol i made a weed-loving 70s hip-hop Chief with a plasma grenade for his balls! good job on the clothes, but the clothes and the master chief model are different art styles so it look kind of screwed up...

KungFuCow responds:

Oh well, at least you had fun with it:)

It was ok

It was pretty cool, its just that dress up games are kinda weak anyways. And dressing up mastercheif is fun but not too many ppl would like it. But a good job neways

KungFuCow responds:

Thanks. I do think i did a good job for a first flash, don't you agree?

Dress up the MC? No

I checked the possibilites, funny for about 5 seconds. Sorry dude but I just don't wanna dress up the MC.

KungFuCow responds:

Hey it's not like you can strip him naked or anything...Other people found it humorous.


teh MC rocks first off! also i thought the music rocked! cool game!

KungFuCow responds:

Thanks! Im also a big fan of the Halo series. If you happen to have Xbox live, my GamerTag is ChiefCow :)

Next time

Hey, bud, atleast make it so you can make it look like hes holding a gun

KungFuCow responds:

The master chief in this game is positioned so that he can appear to be holding most of the guns. Well, I got a few complaints about the carbine though.