errrr...yeah, i pretty much shit my pants
That was really good, scared the shit out of me but was still good. You animation is spot on and im trying to grasp the meanings here .....hmmmmmmmmm. (or am i just wasting my time?)
errrr...yeah, i pretty much shit my pants
That was really good, scared the shit out of me but was still good. You animation is spot on and im trying to grasp the meanings here .....hmmmmmmmmm. (or am i just wasting my time?)
Simply Amazing.
I've had you at the top of my Favorite Artists list ever since I saw Self-destructing organism, and I must say, you retain that spot with grace. This is by far your crowning accomplishment, at least here on NG. The way the story line flowed seamlessly from scene to scene, the adroit way you used your limited color palette, and the twist ending and surprise change of character (all carried out without dialogue I might add) make this a flash of the highest caliber. You can rest assured that my top vote for best of the month will go to this work. Absolutely stunning use of Flash, you sir, are a great contributor to the status of Flash animation as a refined and growing art form.
I rarely give 10s in so many areas, but this flash certainly deserves it. I doubt that it'll get the score it deserves on NG because it's simply too hard to understand for most people - too many complicated metaphors and such. Heck, your best-scoring flash "PUSTOTA" took me about 10 times of watching to fully understand (it now sits on my list of favorites, just as this flash will when I'm done writing this review). While these visual metaphors add to the quality of your animations, the simple fact of the matter is that for the majority of people it's simply too much intellectual effort to bother figuring it out, and even those of us who do figure it out aren't clear on some things. I'd suggest that you put an in-depth explanation of your movie somewhere (in your comments perhaps, or put a link to it if it's on your website), just so that those who don't have time to watch it 10 times can understand what it's about. Trust me, I think almost everyone here WANTS to know and will appreciate it when they do, but many simply don't have the time to unravel such a complicated animation themselves. As I'm writing this I'm still not sure of the meaning of about 85% of what I saw... though it was very pretty (in a dark way).
As for the other aspects - excellent style, storyboarding, graphics, music... everything. This might even be your best flash to date, which is really saying something. I really can't see a single flaw with anything except the inaccessibility of the way the story is presented (and the low sound quality, but it's still not too bad... I think I'll go watch the higher-quality version on your website).
good job, as good as pustata. i will be watching your other vids.
AMAZING, just flat and simple. I could watch this over and over again and not get bored with it. Keep it up!! :)