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Reviews for "Objectionable Apparatus"

...What was that?

Not to be offensive to your submission, but what was THAT? What does this mean to ANYBODY? You have animation talent, I'll give you that, but why did you promote such a meaningless message (if at all there was a message/agenda to the animation)? All I saw was ugliness and destruction. Everything just randomly shot through different scenes and zoomed into things (chaotic). And what ends up happening during the course of the cartoon? Everyone is murdered. Great. I would really like to see your effort pushed in another direction. After watching some of your other works, I'd have to say that all of your cartoons emphasize on death, ruin, and disorderliness. It's very depressing to just watch this stuff. I'm sure that there's a whole group of people that agree and disagree with my viewpoint, but I really don't see why so many people are so infatuated with death and darkness. Animation was good, but everything else was not.

What is wrong with you

I couldn;'t watch the whole thing through, after a minut i started felling like I was going to vomit... you need to be commited.


it skared me

Wow. You are one fucked up dude.

The ONLY redeeming factor in this movie is the graphics. Not WHAT is shown, but how WELL it's shown. Other than that, this is crapola. Out of curiosity, are you on drugs?

O.M.F.G! fantastic!

great work man!
I enjoyed it alot!
the best movie i have seen in newgrounds!
amazing art, and story is great to !
didn't get the apparatus part!(appartus is a machine in latin right?)
thank u for this!