Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Reviews for "Objectionable Apparatus"


In terms of art, demensions, and animation, you are easly one of the best ive seen on ng so far. I didnt really get the plot, but hey, with talent like you have, you dont much need one. Great job, 5/5! It just leaves me wondering how you could have thought something like this up tho :X

Holy Hell O_o

This is unbelievable! I have only seen a few surrealistic animations of this high calibre on NG.
Really a strange piece of art.
i give this odd Animation 5/5

Very Awesome


Every once in awhile newgrounds gets something that is actually worth viewing. This is one of those. It makes me happy to see that people are using flash to create works of art.


Make more I DEMAND IT ^_^ MUST HAVE MORE plz make more that was great

Dali would have liked this baby...

Pretty fuckin' good, What a sick and twisted mind you must have sir, BRAVO!