wow...' ,,,!
its soOoO twistedly weird,,, i love it.!! great job,!^^
wow...' ,,,!
its soOoO twistedly weird,,, i love it.!! great job,!^^
AMAZING, just flat and simple. I could watch this over and over again and not get bored with it. Keep it up!! :)
That was simply fucking amazing. I could never dream of making a flash film that unique and interesting. I love how fluid the whole thing is, especially when you would take one angle and make it into a completely different angle (if anyone who hasn't seen the movie is reading this and you don't know what I mean, watch the film). This blew my mind, seriously.
i ubjectingly uject to this ubjectibly film
pretty funny
what drugs do you use?, kay; joking~
its fascinating how you are able to create journeys through a world that works within it own rules.