Go with the twisty flow.
I dont actually have to understand everything I guess, just flow with the insanity of it is enough, insane stuff.
Go with the twisty flow.
I dont actually have to understand everything I guess, just flow with the insanity of it is enough, insane stuff.
great audio, great graphics and super amazing transitions!! this is so awesome!!
That was amzing! I love how you barely notice scene changes unlike i nthe second film and how the movie actually ends at the title screen.
Holy Mother Of God!
That may have been one of the most completely twisted, ugly, weird, totally fucked up movies I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in my twisted, ugly, weird, totally fucked up life.
I need only say one thing:
The colour yellow is the best hue to represent mental unrest.
i cud tayst yuor pane [{(|)}]