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Reviews for "Objectionable Apparatus"

Post-Dalinian patriarchal nuclear family critique.

A best case, worst case scenario for the schitzofrentic lightbulb family. The target squids are the neutral resting place for consideration, which is important as contrast.
The woman, voiceless, goes through menstruation, being claimed as property, the sexual penetration of the lightbulb, and finally childbirth of the eating artist. The outside world, characterized by the cat, tv and the sailors of death are but victims.
The factory, that is, the + window seems to be foreshadowing of the proletariat's own self-destruction, the Christian graveyard his fate and the evential breakdown of the self, his redemption. The wings on the man at the end seemed Hitleresque.

truly and artisticly random

well i kinda wish i could have an acid trip like that except more on the positive side.

I'm not sure my words can expresss it.....

..... I'm befuddled. I'm not quite sure on what was going on but I did enjoy the animation. It was portrayed nicely and flowed well (except for one part but it was very minute and unnoticeable). The quality of the sound (despite your comment of it being low quality) was not bad, rather it seemed perfect in it's own way. It all came together nicely and formed a story of unusual events and creative, yet simple, characters. I give you kudos on it. If only i could even make an animation I don't think it could surpass yours. =D


holy fucking ass licking shit were you high when you created this royaly fucked up animatoin

Excellent, though strange.

The animation was fluid, creative, and very captivating. The colours will phenomenal (something about the shades of yellow I really enjoyed, and found to be unique) while the music track completes the overall style to the animation.

It was eerie, and odd, and a deeper meaning could be divulged from these scenes.

I loved it.