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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

That was Great

That was prabally the best sprite work I ever saw and it was really funny-good job. I hope there is goning to be a second.

f***ing great!!

this movie was the best man make more like these(make some more callabs!)(and uhh 7 for interactivity bcuz of the scene selections)


YOU COULD FREAKING MAKE A PROFIT WITH THIS!!! IM TELLING YOU, MAKE IT A SHOW ON NEWGRONDSS!! THE ROBOT CHICKEN ALTER EGO WHICH IS SPRITES< GODDAMN MAN U AN MAKE FREAKING SEASoNS AND U SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE A PROFIT WITH THIS IF U GET A SING IN DEaL WITH SOME CHANNEL OR SOMEHTING THIS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! btw those little raining droplet i recognize from a game but i dunt remember which can u clear t up to me there names and the game they come from please?

That was good.

That was really great, I hope to see more of you. Keep up the good work!


That was friking awesome IT was so frikin funny I love it