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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

Watching this was a punishment.

I could feel myself getting dumber. Two, maybe three of those, tops, elicited a smile. The rest just helped work out all those frowning muscles. Try harder next time, genius. Taking a shit on the sidewalk is not comedy, falling over and running into things is not funny the first time, let alone the thirtieth. I was sorely disappointed.

Words can't describe how overrated this is

Simply put, this SUCKED. Incredibly so. The jokes were so terribly written. I'll admit, there were like...2 that made me chuckle a bit. But 4% is a terribly percentage to be funny. The idea is a good one, but horribly, horribly made.

This just goes to show that sprite movies get way fucking overrated. And yet people bash "The Filth" to hell.

n1k go die pissing in cereal wtf?

i also agree that the jokes were lame, only chuckled in like 2 also the rest were just characters falling or being squashed. I dont agree that this deserves frontpage and maybe next time if you are thinking of making another ^.- , use orginiality in your humour and please have the parts go longer and dont stretch it with the characters moving for a longer amount of time, add something to it.

what the hell...

how can you people vote 10's on crap like this. if i were in like grade 3 or something i would probably find this halarious, but oh man. this is horrible, my god.

it could have been cool

This lacks goodness and excitment, if you drew the characters yourself and did cooler camera angels,put some upbeat fun music and didnt use sprites, then it would have been cool. I mainly hated the sprites