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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

Err ...

Technically, it's very well done, but ... except for the Mortal Kombat and Duck Hunt jokes, which were only worth a chuckle, and the SMB2 Princess joke that I've seen a hundred times before, these skits are really spectacularly not funny. A lot of them are just a character being killed or some kind of farting joke, and sometimes I can't tell what the joke was even intended to be. Your (collective) Flash and spriting skills are considerable, but man, you need better writers.


yeah right, it was horrible. It was like watching a really bad episode of Robot Chicken, and I mean REALLY bad. It was way too predictable, and just not funny. The funniest thing was Thriller in the credits, which is why I gave sound a ten, because THRILLER FUCKING ROCKS. Other than that this thing blew.

Utter Crap

That has to be the most unfunny sequences of events ever placed on Newgrounds. You do not in the slightest sense know how to potray comedy and you overkilled how terrible you are by placing in shit humor. My dear god, I don't know how this is not blammed.

Watching this was a punishment.

I could feel myself getting dumber. Two, maybe three of those, tops, elicited a smile. The rest just helped work out all those frowning muscles. Try harder next time, genius. Taking a shit on the sidewalk is not comedy, falling over and running into things is not funny the first time, let alone the thirtieth. I was sorely disappointed.

n1k go die pissing in cereal wtf?

i also agree that the jokes were lame, only chuckled in like 2 also the rest were just characters falling or being squashed. I dont agree that this deserves frontpage and maybe next time if you are thinking of making another ^.- , use orginiality in your humour and please have the parts go longer and dont stretch it with the characters moving for a longer amount of time, add something to it.