Slapstick sprite movie and poo jokes. poor.
Pixels on the Brain is a collabaration between four video game nuts who often submit sprite movies to newgrounds (or by the looks of it , only submit sprite movies to newgrounds). this is a sprite movie which consists of about fifty short sprite cartoons, based on different videogames. the menu has a nice layout and the scene select i thought was very good. The sound was very good and i had no problems with it at all.
The animation was like all the other sprite movies, not bad but not amazing. if it was done with a drawn cartoon it wouldn't look as good so less effort had been put in and it shows. The cartoon gave the feel that it had been rushed, and they had wanted to get trhough as many shorts as possible, this is why the jokes seem to be used again and again.
the thing that grinded my gears about this though was how unfunny it was. all the jokes where sprite slapstick, which has to be one of the lowest forms of humor i can think of, and the only two which made me laugh, which i am embaressed about laughing at are the poo joke ones. Poor.
a cartoon full of short, unfunny and used jokes. 3/10