Wow, 50 amazing shorts which either ends with the character dying or taking a shit. What wonderful laughs i had.
Wow, 50 amazing shorts which either ends with the character dying or taking a shit. What wonderful laughs i had.
Shows effort, but hardly entertaining.
The only funny part was really the screaming monkey, and you could have milked that joke a lot more than you did. Good concept, but badly presented.
yeah ummmm
Iv playd most of those games and now i feel bad for ever playing them. few funny parts, but needs some comedy checks. and it was kinda a robot chicken rip off
Err ...
Technically, it's very well done, but ... except for the Mortal Kombat and Duck Hunt jokes, which were only worth a chuckle, and the SMB2 Princess joke that I've seen a hundred times before, these skits are really spectacularly not funny. A lot of them are just a character being killed or some kind of farting joke, and sometimes I can't tell what the joke was even intended to be. Your (collective) Flash and spriting skills are considerable, but man, you need better writers.
Front page ?
The best jokes barely made me smile ! And even if the toilet humor only took about 5% of the flash, it was too much. If you want to make immature people laugh, you are in the right way.
To anyone who gave a 7 or more to this, GET A LIFE !