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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

WOW...An hilarious trip thru console memories

What a treat...I haven't laughed as much for a long time, and it was GREAT to see so many of my old favourites.
From the knowledge of the games and the characters you show, I take it that this is very much a labour of love (and possibly a reflection of a wasted youth...lol).
All I can say is thanks for reminding me of so much of my gaming past at the same time giving me so many belly laughs


AND a Lufia tribute? Oh a five for you!

That was funny

Very funny overall, but the Super Mario Brothers 2 made my day!

Ahhh, farts and poo...

Not much else more funny. Thank you for making me smile, fiver for you.


Very good! I loved some of these! XD