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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

My favorites

Earthworm Jim, Final Fantasy VI, Megaman X, Mortal Combat II, Mario 2 all cracked me up. Super Metroid was the greatest of them all. The rest was pretty well pointless

maybe its just to early

but i wish this had been funny. Im so bored with fart jokes


it was very funny


That was good and all, but you really need to get to work on realm of the video game 5

This was good but had glitches

Overall really nice, I loved alot of them, and thought some were really lame!

haha but overall it was nicely done, but my humour makes some of those really stand out as boring. Best one was probably the one where the Mortal Kombat 2 pops out and does his little BLAOPAODFS whatever he says...that was hilarious!