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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

this is...

this is basically the imalgumation of sprite crap thats on newgrounds...
basically, everything, except the megaman indiana jones parody, and the mario looking up princessess dress was utter bullshit...wow...a sprite moving..woops! it blows up. pwnzors teh n00b. only 8 year olds laugh at this... and sadly, 8 year olds make up most of the newgrounds population. bah i jsut had to say something about this i was so disgust

Not a new idea and not funny

Yeah, most of these shorts were just really not funny at all.....oh yeah and this is the biggest ripoff of Robot Chicken ever! except you know..the funny part...you didn't quite get that right.

pretty good

But some of them did not make any sense but i loved the little crying monkey! hore of him!

very good.

its a bit like playing wario ware lol. good job.

My brain tingles

Man that was so awesome love it!