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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


This was probably inspired by Robot Chicken, which is good. Very funny stuff.


Although the Ninja Turtles and Tetris "parodies" wernt anything, they were just........nothing! you didnt parody anything on them, anyway, it was good, saw some of my favs in there. The best one was with Peach floating then it goes down and Mario is following her on the ground looking up her skirt...lol I laughed at that one. Good Job!

[Silver Scythe]


you forgot that adult themes it your rateing.....but it was really godd non the less.

nice job!

it was pretty long but it was worth it... reminded me of the good old days : ) keep up the good work!

very nice for a sprite movie

that was really good and surprising long. greta effort put i to this, reminded me alot of robot chicken, but the video games great style, keep up the good work