Good job!
Well done, keep it up!
If you decide to make a sequel, try to improve graphics and lenght, as this one was a little too short.
Good job!
Well done, keep it up!
If you decide to make a sequel, try to improve graphics and lenght, as this one was a little too short.
Thanks, if I make the sequel, I will definitely make it longer. I know most people like long movies, but to be honest, watching a long flash makes me bored out of my fucking skull. Sadly.
So, I sort of make my movies short, partly because I never get bored that way, and so I dont get bored out of my fucking skull.
I dont like tweening, and tweening is usually what makes movies long. So blech, I will never become a victim of the tweening disease.
Good but i gave you a six on violence bacause...
you didn't include blood spilling from him when he wiped out...but otherwise good movie. Maybe you could make a sequel.
Meh, I didnt want to do the whole blood thing. In real life, blood doesnt explode out from the limp body when that person falls down. Even though I love animating the little spurts of blood here and there, (which most people know, if theyve ever seen my other movies ^_^)
not that bad...
Pretty good with the animation and music, but i hate the world of skateboarding.
I hate the world of people
who hate the world of skateboarding.
Good day.
There is one thing that could have made it better.
The stick figure really dissapointed me. I would have felt it much more impressive if it was a real character, because with sticks I automatically assume something outragous is going to happen, but this is more a realistic skate movie. All in all it was a good work.
Realistic is good though... right?
It was supposed to be based on a real kid... (If you actually read the description). I actually started this with real people. But I HATE tweening, so I had to do it FBF. Everything I tried just went too fast, so I deleted EVERYTHING, started over, and... it came out much smoother.
I liked it
I agree though, it could have been longer.
Thanks for the 7... again!