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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Sweatness all over

Even though this flash was perfect in every way it looked a lot like homeworld. Which is ok but i'm curious, are the ships from homeworld?

McFretN responds:

no. i made them

"Our small cahnace of winning, was never there"LOL

Congratulations on the best phrase ever for saying we were fucked... lol.

But seriously beautiful work, I'm seriously unable to describe the feeling i had watching that and thinkin D A M N !

Awesome movie man, make more!

It was great!

You did really good job. Well done! Only thing that wasn't so good we're the voices of people speaking. Try to get at least a little emotion on them. I also was dissapointed when i realised that this wasnt a CI 4, but I hope you fix that soon.
Quiz on oyur site was pretty cool, although there were couple things that need correcting:

You asked how many times Hivez was invaded, and then claimed that it was one time. However as the Hrum never won, they never 'invade' hivez. They just made an invasion, a landfall, but no, it doesnt mean the same thing as 'invade' so fix that please.
Also you asked about the planet Serrati. It's pretty much a matter of opinion, but it still belonged to Hrumians, eaven while the Gnork had invaded it.

Sadly I never died in CI 2, so i couldn't know the answer in that (you made it too easy, samn you! :D ) but othervise, great quiz. I hope I don't know your own series better than you, though...

McFretN responds:

The Hrumians didnt win the war. but they Did invade the planet. Invasion is the act of landing on the planet. And youre right about the Serrati question, its a bit vague


This is amazing.
By far the best graphics in a flash I've ever seen, and the only of its variety I have ever seen. Great job. Im very impressed, and I hope to see more from you soon.

to the guy below me...

STFU! this movie is awesome!