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Reviews for "Jumbo anime tutorial!"


that was great. just dont use such a big ass song. makes file size huge! great tutorial but not much of a use to ppl who cant draw (eg me)!!

btw plz spell right!!!!

skull-basher responds:

yea my spelling sucks dont it?

You are my new hero

This tutorial is much better than you previous one. I like the simpleness of your tutorials very much!
If possible the body tutorial could maybe be a bit 'slower', and you should add a back arrow (for slow people like me) and then make it downloadable. :)
You should make more tutorials, especially the eye tut that you mentioned.

skull-basher responds:

the eye tutorial is being put on hold..I am engaged in a couple of prodjects now..sorre...I will start the eye tutorial again when thats done..wich might take a while.

i gave it a 5....

great work man that made drawing easy and fun

skull-basher responds:

Thanks for the five!

This is nice.

Nobody like a person better if he has low self esteem but other than that I have to say it was nice but it could have used more info regarding the shading you did there.

skull-basher responds:

uh...I dont have low selfasteem. I just said that because many people insult drawing tutorials by saying that they suck at drawing. then they usually respond by cursingout the reviewer. I was just saying that If you didnt find it helpfull than i wasted your time, I realize this, so dont go on to me in a review about how much I suck.

You gave a piece of advice "anime"artists need.

Just like your review on my movie, the complaint is the same: I didn't like the music. A button to turn it off would have been nice.

But let's put aside our differences in musical taste and talk about something we have in common, and that's art. I liked that you use the method of "cross on the face". I do that as well, it ensures that one does not draw one eye higher than the other Off-set eyes are a common mistake of "anime artists" on the internet and the quickest way I can tell that an artist sucks. Hopefully some people can take you advice and draw better faces.

I also liked your "45-degree angle" rule for breasts... Tits are not always exactly like that but it's a good rule to keep anyway. A piece of advice I should add to any reader in general when drawing breasts: the height of nipples are usually about one head-length down from the bottom of one's chin.

All in all a good drawing tut but you could have made a more professional-looking preloader and perhaps added something like a frame around the perimeter so that you'd have more than a plain white background.

skull-basher responds:

thank you for the constructive critizism...I am making another tutorial right now and its about drawing anime eyes....I am improving alot and my buttons work much better and there is a button for music..