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Reviews for "Jumbo anime tutorial!"

Good job!

If the song was an MP3, right click it in the library and select 'properties'. there should be a box that is checked, that means that MP3s will always export with best quality, so uncheck it and you can change the quality in the same window, and test it. It is surprising how much this can reduce file size

skull-basher responds:

thanks! Ill do that..

in response to the guy below me

go to a site called polykarbon dot com that guy has some great tutorials

thats it

i see you put in the "next" button. its much easyer to use now, well done

skull-basher responds:

hey thanks im glad you liked it!

really good

real sweet dude. straight forward, with good drawings and examples to help out. this is what drawing tutorials should be like. so well done. it was also good that you did male and female characters. Also, the music to go with it was also really good. so well done m8. good job.

skull-basher responds:

hey thanks man..check out my female tut...its the better if the 4 I did..

was good

i liked it, but i havta ask u, im horrible at making the face symmetrical, my eyes r always uneven, and my ears, well, one is bigger than the other, so, i always draw them from the side, any tips for that?