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Reviews for "Jumbo anime tutorial!"

Teaching the world to draw

Ahh, no more reading books! Now we can go to Newgrounds to get free lessons on drawing anime! It is very helpful, with many tips. If you grab a piece of paper, you could actually do this step by step, and create a really cool looking anime character. A handy resource for the aspiring cartoonist or artist.
Bottom Line: Keep on drawing! This video will help!

skull-basher responds:

Wow..thank you so much! im glad you think it was useful.

Very Nice. Here's A Fiver From Me!

I actually got a good lesson out of this! I'm working on my first Flash at the moment, and you actually made me catch a mistake I was making with my schematics. You have a real solid anime art foundation to present here, and I hope to see more from you. Spelling, spelling, spelling. That's my biggest concern, as correct spelling dictates how serious your work will be considered as you grow and submit more. My best advise would be to write everything out in an email or Word document that you can keep for yourself and run everything through a spell check. Copy and paste each paragraph into your text areas as needed. Other than that, Fantastic Work! Keep it up!


skull-basher responds:

Thanks...Im glad you got some use outta it.

Wow, That actually helped me a little

And just when I thought I was pro, you post this and I get a new prespective. Not the best work I've seen for a tutorial, but I've seen a lot worse. Sweet choice of music too. Tsunami Bomb? I'll reccomend this to all the idiots I know who think they can draw, Hell I'm gonna watch/read it again.

skull-basher responds:

thanks! Im glad you liked it!


As i said in BBS the tutorial is excellent, and i really like the music, plus it helps that you are an awesome anime artist, but as with everything there is a downside, the layout: backround and buttons could use some work.

Can't wait for the next one!

skull-basher responds:

thanks man!..next one is coming soon its on eyes! (see bbs post)

Great man

could you do specific characters? im having a hard time getting Majin buu drawn in all of his views i need to animate him turning

skull-basher responds:

I could try and help....
e-mail me at jjfunkydude@hotmail.com (or add me to your buddy list)if your still interested...