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Reviews for "Jackpot Jim Episode 1"


That was pretty sweet. I hope to see more from you if this is your first in the series!

Not bad!

This wasn't bad, and I haven't seen any other of your movies, but you need to work on your animation. This is extremely funny; it reminds me of Perfect Kirby, only with not as good graphics. Keep on working, and yes, I know how hard it is to work with Macromedia Flash.

Funny stuff.

Great flash, dude. I liked comet magnum, but this is better! God work

I like this

Yes, the animation could use a little work but it seemed overall to be a masterwork of good humor.

I really look forward to the sequels. I'd be suprised if atleast one of them didn't win an award.


That was cool but it was kinda boring.