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Reviews for "Jackpot Jim Episode 1"

Not bad!

This wasn't bad, and I haven't seen any other of your movies, but you need to work on your animation. This is extremely funny; it reminds me of Perfect Kirby, only with not as good graphics. Keep on working, and yes, I know how hard it is to work with Macromedia Flash.

Impressive...most impressive

You may be a Jedi yet! This is very very very promising. The intro was tight, music perfect and it was long enough and was actually thought through!! Its nice to see flash that seems like it was made by adults!!!! wOOt! Keep it up! Please? For me?

it was good but

placeboes dont do anything to you. they are pretty much just saline (a fluid much like tears) or something else that does no harm or good for the body. fix that and then you have a pretty decent movie.

mmark-oldflash responds:

Placeboes aren't that bad, but when mixed with NyQuil and whiskey, it's a dangerous drink.


beef up the graphics and you've got a winning series here.


Man, that was great. I can't wait to see more episodes.

By the way, you are aware that placeboes are just sugar pills that have no affect on people, right?