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Reviews for "Jackpot Jim Episode 1"

This was great

I don't think that I have ever laughed so hard in my life. That was just funny as all hell. The art was great, and everything was funny. Man, you did great with this. If you need an artist to help out with any future episodes, I might be of assistance. You can check out my one and only Flash, if you want to see some of my art.


That was totally sexy.


Finally after days of searching something that is of a truly exceptional quality. Funny. Awesome music. Keep up the excellent work and hope to see more of this series in the future.

Very funny!

xD! this is a great movie! please make more!

it was good but

placeboes dont do anything to you. they are pretty much just saline (a fluid much like tears) or something else that does no harm or good for the body. fix that and then you have a pretty decent movie.

mmark-oldflash responds:

Placeboes aren't that bad, but when mixed with NyQuil and whiskey, it's a dangerous drink.