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Reviews for "Jackpot Jim Episode 1"


Holy crap! This is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time! I'm a big fan of your stuff and I can't wait for more episodes!

This was originally serious?!

No need for that! I think this works way better as comedy than it ever would as drama. Your humor is excellently off-kilter, and your sense of timing is well-honed. Good delivery on the voices too. Stick with laughs!!

just stop

i stopped watching after 15 seconds. nice work!
oh yeah and I loved the voice acting, best i've ever heard, except not even close. just stop.


Get a brain, then make a good cartoon.


Please i want to know about your other episodes,i really liked this one.Thank you for putting a smile on my face at 6:00am in Portugal lisbon.