*spooky laugh*
Nice use of the Chrono Trigger scenery, and I like how you used the game guy from the Millenium Faire as Bekkler. That orchestral Kefka's Theme is from the Italian concert album, right?
*spooky laugh*
Nice use of the Chrono Trigger scenery, and I like how you used the game guy from the Millenium Faire as Bekkler. That orchestral Kefka's Theme is from the Italian concert album, right?
I really don't remember where I downloaded it from. I think it was bluelaguna.net. It could be from the italian concert album, I'm not sure. Anyway, thanks for the review!
Excellent job but, the clown of CT as Bekkler??? that was kinda funny.
Yeah I guess it is :)
Go Edgar!
This episode rocks! Poor Mog... Keep up the good work! *Runs off to watch the next one*
Next one is even better :D
Good series
It's a pretty good series, I like it a lot. I liked this one more then the past five. The preloader was cool but it didnt really work. I liked this but you kinda have to be an FF fan to like this. I don't know where this series is going but I'm lookin foreward to it. Keep up the good work.
greatr movie
you have defanitly improved since the first episode. every thing about it is better. good job.
Thanks :D