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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

It was iight...

It's koo and all, the interactivity is nice, the graphix are koo, and i luv the voices, nanas is well done, though that supremor homie is totaly fucked up, i koodn't understand shit that he was sayin'. But ya, it's pretty tight, make more.

Kill Em' ALL!

Man that was funny when you save nana, but it's funny when you kill her to, I like the ending when you kill her the blob won! woo! Steven Hacking sucks! man to bad we couldn't kill him in this ><

kool for a game show

that was kool but it should have had a better way to kill the granny

Good Job. Two thumbs up!

Hey, that was drop dead hilarious, but i could barely understand some of those questions, and don't you think Steven Hawkings should of died? that might of made it even better, but other than that, good work.

that was cool

I laughed my ass off
at the "dune" rip off

that was hilarious!!!