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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


excellent humour in this movie, Stephen Hawkins is funny as hell!!!

Not that bad...

Of course it won't seem funny if you don't know who Stephen Hawking is. I thought it was pretty witty.

It was iight...

It's koo and all, the interactivity is nice, the graphix are koo, and i luv the voices, nanas is well done, though that supremor homie is totaly fucked up, i koodn't understand shit that he was sayin'. But ya, it's pretty tight, make more.

that was cool

I laughed my ass off
at the "dune" rip off

that was hilarious!!!

Funny stuff

Funny movie, the idea of putting the clueless old lady in some random place is great, but I personally thought Stephen Hawking and the Supremor were funnier. "Not reading my mind huh ya fucking blob?" was the funniest thing I've heard in awhile. Nice job.