This was sick horifying and deeply mentally disturbing. GOOD JOB!
This was sick horifying and deeply mentally disturbing. GOOD JOB!
Looks like a Ren & Stimpy spin off.
I love Ren & Stimpy. How about you?
that was amazing
this has got to be one of the greatest flash on Newgrounds
lol omfg
i always wondered what kind of flash it would take to beat Magical Trevor in the daily first, so i did a little looking around and found this here flash. The Flash That Beat Magical Trevor For Daily First. hehe.
mad jokes, man. this flash is hilarious. what movie was that sphere thing from? Phantasm or something? lol that was awesome. and steven hawking when he says "you have no chance for survive make your time" hahahah. yeah, this totally owns Magical Trevor. awesome job.
This is really really funny.
I just cant stop laughing at the nana. I just thnk it was funny how she talks. i first chose the happy ending and i laughed soooooooo hard. but the evil ending just made me sick...ish.. but still i loved it,