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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

Pure Genious!

Good job! All the little hidden jokes and things were halarious! Good work! Keep it up, you are doing fine!

Steven Hawking, hahahaha

Wow that was a really good flash. I loved how Steven Hawking talked. It was best at the end when he was like "god damn it" hahahaha it was classic. Also I really like the choice, I killed her but to be given a choice kinda makes you part of the movie so it was a nice add on. Good job!


its an overall good toon


It was a bit funny, but not much and the voices were hard to understand at times. The whole "reading my mind" bit was funny. Overall, I am glad that I didn't make this flash.

good job

great touch with the fantasm thing, you have good taste in movies, that movie rocks, for all of yall that have never seen fantasm rent it...