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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


In my time on newgrounds I've always found it distasteful when people say they'd vote higher than possible (i.e. 11-5's, you get the picture). However, as a steadfast (and dateless) nerd, I was enthralled by not only the Stephen Hawking and Supreme, but the Dune shout out rocks the house.Very rarely does anyone mention Dune, much less quote the Lynch film. Major Kudos amigo. Long live the Kwisatz!

Dude, that was insane!!!!!!!!!!

You are the best. It was so morbid and funny. Thats the kind of stuff I think about, and you put into flash. 5!


funny shit

Very funny

I think this movie is very funny

Just gotta say

ouch :P

Lol poor Mr Hawking.