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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

Thats some good shit!

Keap up the good work!

HAHA ya stupid prick nana!

funny as hell cartoon! this definitly shows effort and enjoyment. the drawings were superb. sound and voice acting was well done (expecially that the "superior" had a machine-alien voice). the humor cracked me up so bad that i thought i was going to have to go to the hospital. very gory too (favorite pick is "let her have it! (BWH-HA-HA-HA!!)" HAHA ya stupid prick nana! oh, i mean (sniff), so sad..ah what the hell am i saying, HAHA! great work. this is getting a 5

Well Written and Drawn

I loved the dune reference, w/ the music. Makes me all nostalgic.


As Earl would say "I payed the price of playing" only i payed a good price

ok guys

I saved nana she is dumb and a Superhero!!!