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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

That was Freaking Hilarious

Im sorry people may say that wasn't funny because old people should be respected but that was freaking hilarious i mean it was even funny when you let her live she becoms like a mutant that was original and funny.


That was kinda stupid, but funny, and funny rules over stupid! Nicely done!


i only rated the game rated 10 in humour cause it wasted 5 mins of my day that was the stupidist and most outragislty gay ass game i have ever played WWF sucks that game sucks you suck!!!! And dont try to get back at me cause i can not spell cause anyone that wasnt a god damn nerd liveing in his parents basement would understand you are going no where and it proves to anyone that dreams dont come true so donnt believe in yourself kids when it comes to dreams cause who ever the hell made this thught he had accomplished his dreams he was wrong on so many levels the moral to this statement when someone sais you can do whatever you put your mind to was full of shit and whoever disagrees should die!!!! anyways PICO OWNZ YOU!!!!

DeathRayGraphics responds:

NewGrounds viewers take note: When Bxjrok wrote this, my manhood was pressed tightly between his ass cheeks. Sadly, he did not make me come.


Loved it, especially the "save nana" ending.

But one thing about that:
She can't be the Kwisatz Haderach, cus she's a chick.

Nicely Done

Not bad at all. Good job, keep up the good work.