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Amature sig makers

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Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-02 19:30:52

Yah know, Soho, I have a buddy account that you could use if you want. It is level 9, so I don't think you will have any trouble with it. I trust you already, and I haven't even talked to you that much. If you want it, just tell me. It would be my payment for the help you have given me, even if I can't use it.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-02 19:36:34

I dont need any payment, but thank you for offering. After I beat people up with my lolly pop I still have something to eat :D

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-02 20:26:09

thank you both for the sigs you guys are go witha little more prctist you should go out for thr SSM

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-02 22:26:51

Sorry I've not been around much guys... but looking back on the last few pages, just shows me how much more learning I have to do with making sigs. Here's another one of mine... just realize I don't usually do background pics... I could use some good ones, that and some more fonts.

Amature sig makers

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-02 22:43:27

wow guys...great sigs back there(1 pg back)
atomicus-replace the pink with babyblue and make the letters white with pink outline so its easier on the eyes and i think youll have a winner

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-02 22:51:30

At 11/2/03 10:43 PM, HellboundNinja wrote: atomicus-replace the pink with babyblue and make the letters white with pink outline so its easier on the eyes and i think youll have a winner

Well, the person that had wanted it wanted the pink background... I'll agree that it is a bit blinding.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-02 23:04:58

Heres my latest.... I'll be back after I've watched The Matrix (again)

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-02 23:07:06

Here's another one of my *ahem* masterpieces.

Amature sig makers

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 00:01:41

At 11/2/03 06:06 AM, isthatlegal wrote: but i haven't called it my own...ill see wot i can do though...

Im kinda over it now.

sorry about that though..i just thought it looked really cool

I over-reacted.

**right i changed it, to just a general box..ok?

You know that actually looks better.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 00:41:06

just thought id chuck this in for fun, i made it last night, but obviously my internet... being extremely dodgy didnt get it through...

Amature sig makers

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 00:48:59

At 10/31/03 12:37 PM, AncientArmor wrote: Oh crap, I just realized that. haha. Oops, here it is.

nice sig Armour.. I'll put it on later


Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 00:58:38

At 11/3/03 12:49 AM, White_Rhyno wrote:
At 11/3/03 12:41 AM, Mr_Silv3r wrote: just thought id chuck this in for fun, i made it last night, but obviously my internet... being extremely dodgy didnt get it through...
Nice gridlines.

thanks, good ole incitic taught me that one... im still getting used to em...

you live in melbourne right? gonna go to the BDO?

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 01:20:09

At 11/3/03 01:06 AM, White_Rhyno wrote:
At 11/3/03 12:58 AM, Mr_Silv3r wrote: you live in melbourne right? gonna go to the BDO?
Last time I went, I was right out front of the mosh pit. Max from Soulfly was like 5 metres from me. It was awesome except for the fat guy behind me crushing me in to the fence.

I kinda got turned off concerts since then, but I might be doing some security work there. Keep an eye out for the buff crowd controller with the hot chicks hanging off him.

and which one of the chicks will you be mate?
yeah, im goin for the second time this upcoming one... i only know metallica is playing at the moment, i really should go to the website and check out who is playing, but oh well, its just a good, big day out... a har har har

ahhh well, heres a dodgy 5 minute sig i threw together in 5 minutes...

Amature sig makers

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 01:24:19

hey i was wondering if u could make me a better sign thant the one i have. thanks alots..

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 01:53:23

i wonder who this is for...?

ill make one for you wasted clock in a second

Amature sig makers

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 02:09:08

here ya go... i wouldve tried harder, but im in a hypo mood

Amature sig makers

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 06:08:28

At 11/2/03 10:41 PM, -Oni- wrote: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i found 2 i got an auron and a tidus from FFX wich sprite would you like on your sig? heres the tidus

yes its good

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 09:51:46

At 11/2/03 12:32 PM, Stealth2Sniper wrote: sum@ like "do me a sig"

this is just simple one..i made the background up from a few images, including the one u asked to be included...

i wasn't sure weather to put sum more stuff on it..like more pictures or sum@ like that..so i might add some more to it

well this is it now neways. ill chnage the colours if u lke...just ask.

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 10:25:27

ok..i added a couple of pictures and changed the colour of the text(also added sum little FX)

the skeletonpic in ur sig, i recon looks really gud..so i used that, along with a sniper rifle that one of my mates made in 3dsmax.

(hope u like...if u want owt to be changed...just ask)


Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 11:52:40

thanks AncientArmor! its great, no need for adjustments... ^_^


BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 11:54:10

woops! sorry that was my brothers account.. he's just been on the comp! thanks though!

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 12:21:00

is there a way to make ur .gifs smaller, without making to quality really low?

i made an M-Bison sig but if i make it small enough to be a sig, it just takes the piss!

here it is

ot if the link doesn't work, type
in ur browser.

thanx for any help


Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 12:25:18

At 11/3/03 12:23 PM, -Oni- wrote: My M Bison could kick your M Bison's ass!

yeah..right...urs has glowwy hands <sarcasm>oh no</sarcasm> mine flys **cheer woot**

but ur sig kicks my ass, i must admit

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 12:47:05

i like wolverine...do u?

this only took me about 10mins...wot u think?

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 12:49:04

At 11/3/03 12:29 PM, -Oni- wrote: Soo...anyone need a sig? I want to work with some sprites

yeah...me too...u know..we seem to hav the same kinda style going on...

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 13:30:10

At 11/3/03 01:26 PM, -Oni- wrote: that one you just posted is elite


Comon nebody want a sig? especially sprite sigs! i relly wanna do sum sprite sigs!

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 14:17:03

one for captain america..feel free to take it if u want it...even if u aren't captain america, it still gives a strong message!

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 14:18:39

At 11/3/03 02:05 PM, -Oni- wrote: woah this new one i made sucks :(

as if..it looks well gud, howlong does itnormally take u to make a sig, and wot program do u use oni?

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:30:33

What program you use to make sigs?

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:36:48

i seem to be banging sigs out tonight like shits after a curry, heres another one,same theme as the rest (sprites)

this was my leaste favourite Xmen char, and wolverine was my favourite...u can probobly tell by the difference in quality.

Amature sig makers