At 7/26/06 06:13 AM, Camoflage_Outlaw wrote: What does everyone think of this? its for another site, but i need some feedback
At 7/26/06 06:13 AM, Camoflage_Outlaw wrote: What does everyone think of this? its for another site, but i need some feedback
Well on your text, those blending effects look pretty cheap. You should try to lay off on them, sometimes text is better minimalistic. And there's other editing you can do to text other than blending options. Hold CTRL and click the text layer to select, and make use of the "select" options. The pictures in the sig needed to be blended in better, they just kindof stand out, and it's hard to tell whats going on. Next time you should make the sig stick to one theme, two is confusing. The dividing lines in the sig could have been made so that they are not noticeable, but still divide. Right now they stick out like a sore thumb. I tihnk the border looks cool, but if you did the bevel effect on a thicker boarder it would look bad. The right side of the border looks alittle cut off too. I think you did an exceptional job on cutting out the characters. I personally like to zoom in and use the "pen tool" to cut people out. When i'm done outlining with the pen tool I right click and go to "make selection." It makes a marquee perfect around your cutout. I think it's the best way because it's faster and it looks better. I do not know why some people use the eraser. I used to though about 2 years ago. The outer glow on the rapper in the middle of the sig has an outer glow on him. This is very noticeable, when you make the outer glow on him, you shoud lighten the opacity of the glow. That way it's not AS noticeable but it still looks good. You shoudl try brushing over the top of the sig I think it would add more texture. And make use of pattern overlays.
~ Acid
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...