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Amature sig makers

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Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:40:07

At 11/3/03 03:36 PM, isthatlegal wrote: i seem to be banging sigs out tonight like shits after a curry, heres another one,same theme as the rest (sprites)

this was my leaste favourite Xmen char, and wolverine was my favourite...u can probobly tell by the difference in quality.

*sobs to self* you mean that's LESS QUALITY?!?! Oh boy, I knew I'd never be trying out for SSM... maybe it's just my method and my style... like how I don't usually use background pics... or maybe the fact that I have to be creative with that might make my sigs more unique and desirable... or not.

Another of mine.. this one didn't require too much effort.

Amature sig makers

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:42:50

At 11/3/03 03:30 PM, erpherman wrote: What program you use to make sigs?

fireworks MX

and i think that ur other sig...the green one, was loads better than the one u hav now!! if i were u, i wud chnage it bac!

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:46:08

At 11/3/03 03:42 PM, isthatlegal wrote: fireworks MX

Do you know anything about using Adobe Image Ready? I managed to turn out ONE pic that was animated...but I forgot what I did to do it... HELP!!

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:46:23

i want one Animated , with more action in , than this one!

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:48:22

Some tuts for Photoshop users:



Team Photoshop


Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:50:01

At 11/3/03 03:48 PM, Incitic wrote: Some tuts for Photoshop users:

You are my savior for sig making Incitic!

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 15:55:45

At 11/3/03 03:52 PM, -Oni- wrote: You mean he should switch to the one I made?

Its dosent need to be FinalFantasy char , i want a Sig with Action in , !

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 16:09:19

At 11/3/03 03:52 PM, -Oni- wrote: You mean he should switch to the one I made?

yeah..urs looks well cool

oh and heres a hulk one a made...i think me and ONI are getting are pics from the same site...so i made sure this wasn't the same as ur hulk one!

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 16:10:21

At 11/3/03 04:08 PM, -Oni- wrote: Omfg if all you wanted was a sprite sig you should have said so >:( ill use this character (blanka from street fighter)

Yes he is perfect .
And i want some pic of him in the background , just like you made yours!!!!!

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 16:11:40

Hey guys!! My first animated sig!! I know it seems a bit... simple, but that's what I was going for... I think I have the animation process down a little better now.

Amature sig makers

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 16:12:36

At 11/3/03 04:08 PM, -Oni- wrote: Omfg if all you wanted was a sprite sig you should have said so >:( ill use this character (blanka from street fighter)

DAMN U!! the next sig i was gonna make was a blanka one..but if i do it will look well cheasy with u doing one just b4 me...

well do u know the name of that stretchy guy from street fighter...the indian one plz...and the buy guy that used to hav red paint on his arms!


Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 17:23:12

At 11/3/03 04:40 PM, -Oni- wrote: You can do the blanka one. ill make one with the indian HES MINE STAY AWAY

ok then..i hav done it

here u go erpherman:blanka

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 17:25:53

At 11/3/03 05:10 PM, -Oni- wrote: Give me credit for that sig because it is super elite

it is pretty gud than one..but wot is stretchy called??

ooo a bit of competition..who willhe choose...hehe

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 17:52:24

He'll choose mine!

Amature sig makers

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 19:07:18

At 11/3/03 04:11 PM, Atomicus wrote: Hey guys!! My first animated sig!! I know it seems a bit... simple, but that's what I was going for... I think I have the animation process down a little better now.

Looks to me like you've got the hang of it.

My we've all been busy little beavers today. Makes me feel like a slacker cos I been at work all day :(
Better get me arse into gear....

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 19:10:22

At 11/3/03 03:36 PM, isthatlegal wrote: i seem to be banging sigs out tonight like shits after a curry....

Man I could murder a curry right now, its one of the things I miss most about England. No offence, but Americans have no idea what the word "spicy" means when it comes to food

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 19:17:33

can any of you guys make me a sig?
I want a american flag background with (if you can bullets in the flag) and a pic of arnaold as the termantor and then my user name. Can you guys help me?


BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 19:37:41

Sorry guys, but I am going to quit sig making and do what I know best. And that isn't much, at least that pertains to Newgrounds. I will probably come back once in a while and post some crappy sig that I made, though.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 20:26:07

well godd journy and i hope to see you soon...could u make me a sig as a last request
its for the dtriaa(destroy thr riaa crew...
if you can i post what i want on it but if not no one else worry about this one...

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 20:33:21

can I get a sig

I want something similar to the one I have same text, but see if you can do better than the one I have I want it to reach out and grab someones attention (not litterally reach out forget that), but make it inspireing, but similar to what I am and stand for a warrior.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 21:27:31

i have never had a sig with a sprit in it if you dont care and are bored i would like a sprite sig with Kingdom Heart spirtes in it i dont need to have it only if your bored thanks

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 22:20:07

At 11/3/03 04:09 PM, isthatlegal wrote: so i made sure this wasn't the same as ur hulk one!

I wish I had a cool sig like that. But I suck at making sigs. You guys ROCK!

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 22:22:27

At 11/3/03 10:11 PM, -Oni- wrote: Oops posted wrong one

dude, thats awesome... youve done really well, how good are scan lines ey?

and you took my idea of doing a sig pic for K'... i was thinking along the lines of a still pic, but i just couldnt get it to work, so i made that one for ancient armour (back on page 8) instead....

i think i might make some more sigs now... ill just pick a random user, or put a pointless senstence next to this one....

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 22:55:25

At 11/3/03 10:22 PM, Mr_Silv3r wrote:
i think i might make some more sigs now... ill just pick a random user, or put a pointless senstence next to this one....

OMG, pick me pick me! I know it's not random but I really want a kick ass sig. PLEASE????? You guys ROCK.

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 23:01:40

At 11/3/03 10:55 PM, MagicalMusicalHulk wrote: OMG, pick me pick me! I know it's not random but I really want a kick ass sig. PLEASE????? You guys ROCK.

hehe... you don't fool me Hulk... nice try. But I'm sure we'll all be happy to attempt a sig for one of the SSM masters.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 23:09:22

At 11/3/03 10:55 PM, MagicalMusicalHulk wrote:
At 11/3/03 10:22 PM, Mr_Silv3r wrote:
i think i might make some more sigs now... ill just pick a random user, or put a pointless senstence next to this one....
OMG, pick me pick me! I know it's not random but I really want a kick ass sig. PLEASE????? You guys ROCK.

says teh master of photoshop... did you win that poll, or is it still going? coz if it is ill vote for ya mate...

heres that random thing i was talking about... i was gonna chuck in a tiny sephiroth sprite, but cumbi for now... ill save that till later, im sort of out of my sprite mood

Amature sig makers

Oh. Your. God.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 23:47:11

you guys are funy. So can i hae a cool 1 please? I'm so tired I can't make a good one anynmore. I think i lost my juice.

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-03 23:59:33

At 11/3/03 11:47 PM, MagicalMusicalHulk wrote: you guys are funy. So can i hae a cool 1 please? I'm so tired I can't make a good one anynmore. I think i lost my juice.

Don't worry, it's in there somewhere... but I'll try to make one for you. Oh! Good luck with that Contest thing.. unless it's over... in which case... maybe I'll just shutup now.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-04 00:13:04

I'll be back... (I know thats a cheesy line but its all I could think off right now)

Amature sig makers

Response to Amature sig makers 2003-11-04 00:19:32

Actually....what the hell was I thinking...I can do better than this