Here you go, WildFlash. If you don't like this one, i can make some adjustments. I have a gallery of sigs that you can choose from.
Here you go, WildFlash. If you don't like this one, i can make some adjustments. I have a gallery of sigs that you can choose from.
Hey AncientArmore could i get a sig i just got a new one put iw want to see how good you are.just have fun with it thanks.
Seeing as NG was down yesterday, I got a bit bored so I made a few new sig ideas.
And this, seeing as you change yours more than I change my underwear AnicientArmour LOL...
btw, if you want any help/advice on photoshop feel free to ask me.
Hey, Soho. Do you have AIM? Because I could use a lot of help with Photoshop. I don't know how to do anything on it yet.
This is what I got for Stealth2Sniper. The best I could do, probably. I will start making more quality sigs once I get the hang of photoshop.
I dont have messenger, but you can send me an email if you like
It's going to be hard to help through E-mail....I have already looked over the program and it is very complicated. I don't know how to do anything, it took me forever to figure out how to erase something.
Could you first describe to me how to make backgrounds and such? It doesn't have to be neat and orderly, I can figure it out if you give me general directions. Basically, any help would do.
can I get a sig
I want something similar to the one I have same text, but see if you can do better than the one I have I want it to reach out and grab someones attention (not litterally reach out forget that), but make it inspireing, but similar to what I am and stand for a warrior.
Heh heh heh... are you ready???
First off, make sure the file is using RGB or CMYK colour depth (under IMAGE > MODE). I'm assuming you have photoshop 6, I've never used 7 so I hope its the same if thats what you've got.
Ever used layers before? If not get used to them, they're a fact of life. Go to WINDOW and select SHOW LAYERS and SHOW INFO if they aren't already.
Layers are easy, basically imagine you have unlimited bits of paper that you can stack one on top of the other. Get used to the layer toolbar, its very powerful. Layers can be hidden away, have different transparancy levels, and have different blending techniques. Therefore you can have 2 seperate pics in layers 1 and 2 and depending on your blending option and transparancy, you'll get mucho goodo effects.
Also on this toolbar is layer filter, an "f" in a grey circle. This has loads of other neat stuff too.
Under FILTER, you have loads of effects to play with, and also under EDIT, theres a command called FADE...
ie FADE WATERCOLOR, FADE NEON GLOW, that appears after you make an effect change. This can produce some neat effects too.
I reccommend you just play about with 2 different images and see what you can come up with to start. Once you get the hang of these you'll find you can make some pretty good stuff very easily. Thats about it to begin, let me know if you need any more pointers.
Oh yes, when you save the file, save it as a Photoshop file first, that way you can edit all the layers if you need, then save it as a gif.
Also, do you have Image Ready with your copy of photoshop, you'll need that to make animated gifs
Yeah, I have image ready. But I have photoshop 7. It seems to have all of the same things that you are saying. Thank you so much. Any other info would be helpful too..
Thank you so much for the help, really. I didn't think that anyone would be willing to help me. I have a few more questions...(probably a million more)...On the layer thing, there are all these options, such as
Color Burn
and a lot more others...what the heck does each one do and how do you use them?
Next tip.... if you see a pic on the web you want, R-click it and COPY. Then in photoshop open a new file, you'll see the image size will be the same as the one you just copied, so accept these default values. Then go EDIT > PASTE and there it is. I always make a duplicate layer of any image, so if I screw up the one I'm working on you still have a fresh copy.
Another handy tool, under IMAGE is CANVAS SIZE. You can increase or decrease the original file size without "resizing" the image, and also specify where you want the original image to remain after the change. Play about with it you'll see what I mean.
Right clicking any of the drawing tools often brings up more options for them. Next is custom shape. You can make your own AUTOSHAPE (under the text tool), by clicking on the PEN tool (next to autoshape), use the pen tool to make any shape you want, when done go to EDIT > DEFINE CUSTOM SHAPE and you have a new autoshape. While in the pen tool, you'll see somewhere on the top right of the screen a big tick in a box. This is the PURGE function, and it deletes the shape from the SCREEN ONLY, handy if you make a big mistake.
Once you are familiar with these techniques, you'll find they apply to almost everything, from backgrounds to text etc. These are the tools I use most, and anything else can really be ignored for now. Once again just experiment, thats exactly how I learned photoshop.
Normal....just as it says, no fancy stuff
Dissolve....dont bother with this
Multiply....multiply's the 2 layers together (colour values that is)
Screen....subtracts colour values(I think) multiply but not as harsh
Soft light....I dont use this much
Hard light...see above
Color dodge...will erase a colour
Color burn....will burn a color
Darken....adds only dark color
Lighten...adds only light color a negative effect above only not as hard
Hue, Saturation, Color, Luminosity....uses these values of the effect/other layer and applys them to the original
The best way to learn these is to experiment with them. With layers, the layer you select the blend effect on will blend with the next visible layer beneath it. If you have a single colour beneath (or as the layer you are blending), chances are you'll not notice much change. Try with an image on layer 1, then have a different image on layer 2 and play with layer 2's blend and transparancy settings. You'll soon get a feel for what each setting does.
Now I have sore fingers :p
Thank you so much, you have been a tremendous help to me. I don't think I would be able to do this without your help, man. Thanks again. I'll post my first practice sig when I complete it.
At 11/2/03 06:16 PM, AncientArmor wrote: Thank you so much, you have been a tremendous help to me. I don't think I would be able to do this without your help, man. Thanks again. I'll post my first practice sig when I complete it.
No worries.... heres my stealth2sniper submission, hope you all like it
At 11/2/03 06:16 PM, erpherman wrote: please can u make a animated sig to me?
really, u hav an amazing sig as it is..y runin it with a scetchy sprite?
Soho, you are amazing at this. Hopefully when I get the hang of this whole sig making thing, I will be as good as you. I am trying so hard to get this down with the new program, but it is so hard.
Could you tell me how you made that sig for Stealth2Sniper? I don't understand how you are so good at this.
At 11/2/03 06:54 PM, AncientArmor wrote: Soho, you are amazing at this. Hopefully when I get the hang of this whole sig making thing, I will be as good as you. I am trying so hard to get this down with the new program, but it is so hard.
Keep at it, at first I thought I'd never get the hang of it. Its just a matter of finding what works best with your style. Mind you, I've been using paintshop pro for 6 years, and I'm a professional web designer so I use photoshop every day. I know its daunting to begin with but the effort is worth it. I'm looking forward to your first photoshop sig.
Well, I used photoimpression 4 before I got this photoshop download. Impression 4 is so much easier than this, I just want to go back to doing that. So I know how to use layers and stuff, I just don't know how to do it with PhotoShop. Too much...
Thanks for all of the help, but I am quitting on this. In photoImpressions, I at least knew a little bit of what I was doing. With Photoshop, I have no idea. I don't even know how to resized things. It's pathetic. Maybe I will give it a shot in future years, but for now I am going to stick with my crappy sigs that I have.
Ok....first I took the image stealth wanted, then "borrowed" 2 pictures from metal gear solid and cut them all down to size. The II in the middle I made from 4 rectangles, then combined them into 1 layer (LAYER > MERGE VISIBLE). Then I added the text. So now I have 3 layers, one of pics, one with the II and one with text. For the II and text layer I added a filter (STROKE) which adds a colour outline, in this case dark blue.
Once I'm happy with the layout I combine all these layers into 1 (IMAGE > FLATTEN IMAGE). Then I duplicate this layer so I have a fresh copy in case I don't like what I've done. On the duplicate I add FILTER > PAINT DAUBS (size1 sharpness1) then from layer filter (the circle f) I add PATTERN OVERLAY and GRADIENT OVERLAY, adjusting the blend and transparancy of both till I'm happy. Then I add FILTER > NEON GLOW and adjust the settings till I like what I see.
Next, I add the 3 pictures again as another layer, followed by the text again in another layer. The text I add a BEVEL/EMBOSS and a white OUTER GLOW, the pics I set them as an overlay blend with 34% transparancy. OK almost there. Combine all the layers EXCEPT the original layer we duplicated. This combined layer I added a filter ,GRADIENT OVERLAY which was blue steel and I oriented it at about 94 degrees and had its transparancy down to about 25%.
And thats how I made it.