This is as far as I've got with the havok sig.... its beginning to do my head in cos the images arent too brilliant to begin with. I'm gonna have to walk away from this one until tommorrow I think.
This is as far as I've got with the havok sig.... its beginning to do my head in cos the images arent too brilliant to begin with. I'm gonna have to walk away from this one until tommorrow I think.
At 11/20/03 04:06 AM, SohoNinja wrote: I'm not too sure about this, so forgive me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that the flash save as gif command still uses a 256 colour palette...
When I save it you can choose the different palletes and they make a difference in quality but hardly in filesize.
I use image ready for saving animations, you can usually drop a 160k file down to about 35k in that
Do you add the gif to the sig in that to? I've got it but never really used it any.
At 11/20/03 04:21 AM, y3llow wrote: Do you add the gif to the sig in that to? I've got it but never really used it any.
I take it you use photoshop if you have image ready???
If you open an animation in photoshop, you'll only get 1 frame open.
In image ready, the animation will open with all frames being displayed as a different layer, similar to a multi layer psd file, so a 10 frame animation will have 10 layers. What I do is open an animated gif in image ready, then save it as a psd file, so I have access to all frames of animation in photoshop. That way I can work on the animation and background at once. Then I save it as a psd file again and reopen it in image ready. Here I decide what layers to display in each frame of animation, and how long each frame is (unlike flash where you have a constant framerate).
There is an option where you can view 4 different versions of the file your working on, and each view can be customised for colour depth so you can see how the overall quality is effected. Also it displays the fliesize for the colour 12k @ 128 colours, 7k @ 64 colours etc....
One thing that bumps up filesize is alpha transitions, ie fading in and out. Try and keep these to a minimum.
Thanks for the tips man. I'll give it a go soon and hopefully get it to work. Adobe programs seem to all have excelland compression options. To bad flash doesn't.
At 11/20/03 04:12 AM, SohoNinja wrote: This is as far as I've got with the havok sig.... its beginning to do my head in cos the images arent too brilliant to begin with. I'm gonna have to walk away from this one until tommorrow I think.
yeah, its times like these i wish i had a higher quality scanner, that actually worked all the time, and had good image quality....
Oh. Your. God.
Man, screw Flash for sig making. Image Ready is waaaay better, I got my once 77kb sig down to just 31kb!!! Check it out.
Woohhh, I'm liking the intense colors, Y3llow. Who is that eagle-dude on the side?
Hey, and so I won't forget... There is a LOT of NG and BBS activity going on after I go to sleep at night... Is that because some of you people live in England or somewhere else where it's day at the night? Or do you work night shift? Or do you have a JOB? Lol, just curious.
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 11/20/03 08:06 AM, Rextex wrote: ... Is that because some of you people live in England or somewhere else where it's day at the night? Or do you work night shift? Or do you have a JOB? Lol, just curious.
Some of us are freelance like me, and work from home, so they can work when (and if) they want to :)
At 11/20/03 02:06 PM, SohoNinja wrote: Some of us are freelance like me, and work from home, so they can work when (and if) they want to :)
Woah... Nice. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly DO you do?
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 11/20/03 04:10 PM, Rextex wrote:At 11/20/03 02:06 PM, SohoNinja wrote: Some of us are freelance like me, and work from home, so they can work when (and if) they want to :)Woah... Nice. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly DO you do?
I used to be a marine engineer, then I retrained and qualified as a professional E-commerce web designer, so I deal with securing sites, e catalogue creation, site design and server setup/installation.... that sort of thing :) worked..I slapped on some Led Zeppelin and miraculosly the Havok sig turned out ok... :)
Well, that's cool. You get to work formy uor own home. Yeah, I'm gonna be a graphics designer after college. That'll be cool. BTW, nice Havoc sig,
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
Hey guys/gals, I'm not real sure on what the deal is for this topic is anymore. Whether it be you only take requests or you just let anyone post sigs. Well anyway, I just wanted to say that I made my first sig pic. I just wanted to know what you thought of it. I just found an old cd that you can edit pictures with so i thought i'd try it out and I came up with this(down). It's a lower class than amatuer sig pics I know, but I was just wondering what otheres thought of it... U know. Do you think it's a pile of shit or its just alright... well thanks.
Not bad, not bad at all. I'm not sure which program you are using, but you SHOULD be able to crop that face pic a little bit better. Or mask it. But anyway, good work. Start like that, and build up!
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 11/20/03 08:06 AM, Rextex wrote: Woohhh, I'm liking the intense colors, Y3llow. Who is that eagle-dude on the side?
Thanx, I also like how the background turned out. The eagle guy is called Tizok or The Griffin. He's a pro wrestler that features in some arcade game but he looks cool so I decided to use him.
Soho, just a quick question about ImageReady. When you right click on a frame the little menu pops up. What does "Do not dispose this frame" do? Because it seems to lower the file size a hell of a lot.
At 11/20/03 06:47 PM, y3llow wrote: Soho, just a quick question about ImageReady. When you right click on a frame the little menu pops up. What does "Do not dispose this frame" do? Because it seems to lower the file size a hell of a lot.
Its all to do with how the frames merge into each other. Do not dispose basically means "use no effect". Any of the other settings can make your animations look a lot smoother, depending on what you're animating of course.
Think of those effects like tweens in flash. For sig making I highly reccommend not using them, as you said, the filesize is a whole lot lower ;)
At 11/20/03 06:41 PM, Rextex wrote: Not bad, not bad at all. I'm not sure which program you are using, but you SHOULD be able to crop that face pic a little bit better. Or mask it. But anyway, good work. Start like that, and build up!
Well thanks for the tips, I'm pretty new at the program I'm using yet, so I dont know to much. But I'm messing around with it, see what I can do. The disc it's on has adobe photoshop for a MAC. but only some other photo-delux thing for windows. And I'm using the windows one. I'm gueseing it's kind of the same thing though, seeing as it on the same disc... I guese I'll go mess around with it some more and see what I can do. I'm still on the look out for photoshop though. Oh BTW, I don't think I mentioned it in my last post but, you guys do great work :)
Nope. Unless you have a Mac, you got screwed. Photodelux is different than Photo Shop. I mean, it's still good; but there are FAR more features on Photo Shop. If you want my advice, here it is: Don't get the PhotoShop for Windows... Get the mac for PhotoShop. You'll thank me if you do. Trust me.
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 11/20/03 07:53 PM, Rextex wrote: If you want my advice, here it is: Don't get the PhotoShop for Windows... Get the mac for PhotoShop. You'll thank me if you do. Trust me.
Yeah..... once he's figured out how the hell a Mac works :P
My friend was doing an Illustration Art Degree, and for one of his assignments he needed to use flash, so I say to him, no probs, I can use flash, I'll come round and help you....
When I got to his place, he had a Mac, and I'd never used one before...... oh dear.....
At 11/20/03 08:02 PM, SohoNinja wrote::
Yeah..... once he's figured out how the hell a Mac works :P
My friend was doing an Illustration Art Degree, and for one of his assignments he needed to use flash, so I say to him, no probs, I can use flash, I'll come round and help you....
When I got to his place, he had a Mac, and I'd never used one before...... oh dear.....
Well, it's not hard. The only reason you had trouble was because you have been used to fixing bugs out of your computer every time to try and click the mouse button. Don't worry, if you get a Mac, it will eventually purge the PC poison :P
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
Heh heh heh... my friend kept on asking why my middle finger was twitching, I told him I was looking for the right mouse button LOL
LMAO!!! Yeah, I had that problem when my dad moved out and took his Mac with him... I kept clicking both mouse buttons at the same time, so I couldn't work anything...
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
I've only used a Mac a few times back in third form when I did text information management. But I definately prefer the PC it's much more compatible with everything and it's what I've been using for the past decade.
And z_4_l that's a good start, I compliment you on it well mainly because you left a good review on my game :P But that is where I started, and problaby everyone else here to.
Yeah, Lol. Just to make you feel at home, i thought I'd include the first sig I ever made. I haven't improved much, but still... It includes my hand-drawn version of Wilson (From castaway).
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
I can't seem to find my very first sig. I think my very first one was with the ball going around my name. I can't find it at the moment it might be on one of my other computers.
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
PS: y3llow, how do you link the "ASM" in your sig to this thread?
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 11/20/03 10:18 PM, Rextex wrote: PS: y3llow, how do you link the "ASM" in your sig to this thread?
In you signature, instead of typing ASM.....type
(a href="")ASM(/a)
replace the ( )'s with < >'s....OK??
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 11/20/03 10:30 PM, Rextex wrote: Alright thanks Soho.
No worries ;)
Hey check out my latest sig in the ssm post....