At 8/6/04 04:51 PM, DarkEnemy wrote: can i join?
sure...go to and register. after that its just waiting untill a admin pops in an activates your account. when you're activated, post in the new members forum a "I'm new " topic including a link to your profile.
At 8/6/04 04:59 PM, Libidinor wrote: shit, we've been hacked again.
all posts are deleted.
o well, who has this thing on back up again?
I wonder who did it this time.
Yeah, yeah I saw it. Nice to be loved 'eh Colonel? This is getting to be old news. You think people would have better things to do but no, they feel it necessary to continuosly fuck us around. This only strengthens my resolve to stay. I'm getting something to eat Libidnor. Hopefully we can get all the posts back. I'm wondering if someone was able to hack my account because they shouldn't have been able to delete all those posts without admin tools, and I was on-line at the time. Later.
At 8/6/04 05:12 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Yeah, yeah I saw it. Nice to be loved 'eh Colonel? This is getting to be old news. You think people would have better things to do but no, they feel it necessary to continuosly fuck us around. This only strengthens my resolve to stay. I'm getting something to eat Libidnor. Hopefully we can get all the posts back. I'm wondering if someone was able to hack my account because they shouldn't have been able to delete all those posts without admin tools, and I was on-line at the time. Later.
good idea gen. I did see that Axe was online. though he hasn't said anything, so he probably didn't hear anything either. It could be that axe's account got hacked. after all, its just trying a password over and over.
At 8/6/04 05:20 PM, _Mithrandir_ wrote: Perhaps i'm stupid, but who is -Axe-?
ancientX. he always was here in the BBS and was rarely seen at HQ. Nice guy, he's pow now.
I thought of that the hacker must be using a mod account, not an admin account; no-one has been deleted or banned.
At 8/6/04 05:32 PM, QuikFox wrote: You think they would get tired of it and shit.
only thing that gets to me is he/she is sitting back in his chair laughing his ass off about it. oh well, you can't put us down.
Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.
At 8/6/04 05:32 PM, QuikFox wrote: Well I can't get into my account there anymore. I was there trying to delete the spam threads and then I just got booted out and couldn't log back in. Thats just great, I wonder who did it this time. You think they would get tired of it and shit.
umm...quikfox....Me and arkady were spamming the forums...We thought lets keep that 1337 haxor busy so you or someone else has time to possible check him out or check his IP.
At 8/6/04 05:39 PM, Libidinor wrote: umm...quikfox....Me and arkady were spamming the forums...We thought lets keep that 1337 haxor busy so you or someone else has time to possible check him out or check his IP.
Can't anymore. The ass deleted my account. There go all my posts and other shit like that. It was Wolf- though cause a new account got registered with \w/. I'm thinking he just started changing everybody's passwords and he couldn't get my password so he just deleted the account.
At 8/6/04 05:43 PM, QuikFox wrote: Can't anymore. The ass deleted my account. There go all my posts and other shit like that. It was Wolf- though cause a new account got registered with \w/. I'm thinking he just started changing everybody's passwords and he couldn't get my password so he just deleted the account.
No,sorry this one appears to be smarter than Wolf..It's an experienced user that is smart with every move that he makes.
Wolfs proxies would be detected,but it wasn't/
At 8/6/04 05:47 PM, fbipolux wrote: Hes a bright gay... I hate to say it but he's maybe one of us... Omfg all this is freaking!
i'm not sure if he is one of us but he does know his history on the Army. that could be anyone for all we know it could be some guy that just lurks.
Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.
At 8/6/04 05:50 PM, _Ghost_ wrote: i'm not sure if he is one of us but he does know his history on the Army. that could be anyone for all we know it could be some guy that just lurks.
wolf knows the history of the army...he is here nearly every day and probably reads up all posts. but like you said he lurked. He had a lurkering account called "goldendeity"
The absence of a SOA at that time gave him the oppurtunity to stay in the army without having to post which would reveal his IP...
but with the last cleaning all accounts with 0 to 5 posts got deleted, so it cant be a lurkering account. It probably is someone who pretented to be like one of us. Spies are hard to detect through internet- you have an unbreakable pokerface....
That is very true. We MUST have a SOA. I even thought Wazup (or someone else I forgot) would take the role of SOA but nothing came out of it.
The \w/ is Wolf's trademark, but it could just be someone who knows what that is and posted it to make us think it's wolf.
At 8/6/04 05:55 PM, Libidinor wrote: The absence of a SOA at that time gave him the oppurtunity to stay in the army without having to post which would reveal his IP...
but with the last cleaning all accounts with 0 to 5 posts got deleted, so it cant be a lurkering account. It probably is someone who pretented to be like one of us. Spies are hard to detect through internet- you have an unbreakable pokerface....
As much as I hate Wolf,I am still going to argue that this isn't the job of Wolf...I don't even think he is logged on NG.
I wouldn't rule out Hice,Dobio or TheJoe324
At 8/6/04 05:59 PM, -Axe- wrote: As much as I hate Wolf,I am still going to argue that this isn't the job of Wolf...I don't even think he is logged on NG.
Ok I believe you, wolf is indeed far to dumb for doing such a thing.
Besides (MSN)
Billy/a.k.a. wazup190 says:
I've talked to wolf-- a fair amount, and I know he wouldn't of re-named it that
he knows wolf pretty good.
I wouldn't rule out Hice,Dobio or TheJoe324
I thought It wouldn't be really smart to call out names right now, especially if those names can ban because of flase aqquisitions...
Anyway. I'm going to bed, have fun with the hacker.
I see NickMaloney and -Axe- are on the site helping out with everything. If you guys need help feel free to make my account again and I'll help with whatever is needed. Whoever hacked the site deleted my account so I can't log on to help with my mod abilities. Would either of you care to help me out with that?
At 8/6/04 06:10 PM, QuikFox wrote: I see NickMaloney and -Axe- are on the site helping out with everything. If you guys need help feel free to make my account again and I'll help with whatever is needed. Whoever hacked the site deleted my account so I can't log on to help with my mod abilities. Would either of you care to help me out with that?
That counts for me too. If I could do anything to help, feel free to activate my account again.
MOTHER FUCKERS! MY account got deleted again.
my first account... almost 300 posts. my second account, almost 100 posts. this is really pissing me off, I dont get recognized for the effort I put in :( lol
anyways, if we need a place where we can discuss this, or whatever for now. you can always use my forums. just click my sig. I'll make a "ngarmy" section right now :)
O yea, hows everyone doing? :)
At 8/6/04 06:32 PM, _Ghost_ wrote: same here, oh well let's just get on with buisness and leave this to the higher ranks.
Dammit, I don't really want to just sit back and wait for things to be done. Kinda wanna help out and get shit up and running again. But hopefully Nick and Axe can get everything back to normal.
Also, Ghost I'm going to steal you sig and I'm going to see how many people I can get to use it for a while. That is or course, if its fine with you. Haha, god I love that sig.