At 8/6/04 10:48 PM, stick0 wrote: What are the requirments to be in the army.
you must be lvl nine or above. and you meet those requirements...BUT... unfortunatly we are not excepting any new members at the moment(i dont think) becuase are forums are hacked.
@-BIG- no you didn't miss much other then are forums getting hacked OF COARSE. other then that, everythings going fine around here :D
At 8/6/04 11:16 PM, JohnJMangini wrote:At 8/6/04 11:14 PM, _Mithrandir_ wrote: I hope everything's working real soon. I spend a lot of my time in those forums.Where's your buddy Ansuperevilgenius? I haven't seen him in almost 2 hours..
Wonder why he hasn't been posting anymore?Any idea why?
I believe he is banned from posting.
I don't know about you guys, but I find it funny. I mean, he has now sent out an E-Mail Saying: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" and The forum is pink. lol. Pink. Hmmm...what does that tell you about Wolf? lol.
Hey, I deposited, look how sucky today is...being that I am so close:
Thank you for your deposit, Bibby_Ney! You now have 1,180 experience points. You need 4 more to get to level 10.
I hate people.
I find it funny. lol. Just 24 from now, I will be lvl 10! Bitches!
We are not accepting members right now. We are experiencing Technical difficulties right now. Come back later 2 weeks or so. Just work on your stuff here. It is not that you are not acceptable, it is the fact that we are in a bit of a rut.
WHY does it always seem that alot more people want to join when we are being hacked, last time like 25 people tried to join. already three people tried to join this time.
would any of the gens like me to take down all the recruits names, who are trying to join during this time ?????
it would be no trouble for me:)
o, and hey bibby I congrat you on lvl 10 in advanced :)
At 8/7/04 12:27 AM, wazup190 wrote: WHY does it always seem that alot more people want to join when we are being hacked, last time like 25 people tried to join. already three people tried to join this time.
would any of the gens like me to take down all the recruits names, who are trying to join during this time ?????
it would be no trouble for me:)
o, and hey bibby I congrat you on lvl 10 in advanced :)
Thanks man. I am lvl 10. I am just set back a bit. lol.
I think we should take the names of people own that want to join. If you feel like it Wazup, go ahead. That would be the SOA's Job...but we don't have one. Bleh. Go ahead. We do it for possible ones during normal time. Why not now?
At 8/7/04 12:37 AM, PSTWAH wrote: I think the Army has made enemies with some too powerful people and the security system is far too vulnerable to these guys' attacks. Three attacks within my stay less than half a year...
You must be the dumbest motherfucker out there,huh?
No hacking was involved..
I thought that was a clear statement the last time it happened?
Hmmm,guess not.
At 8/7/04 12:27 AM, wazup190 wrote: WHY does it always seem that alot more people want to join when we are being hacked, last time like 25 people tried to join.
Well any publicity is good publicity wazup190 and due to current events I guess our name got around again. Thank Wolf- for that one. Too much evidence points in his direction and quite frankly if I was truly innocent of these allegations I'd be in here vehemently defending myself. I don't see any sign of Wolf-. Does anyone find that a bit odd?
would any of the gens like me to take down all the recruits names, who are trying to join during this time ?????
Nice of you to offer Major but I'm already on it. Their user names will help but I'm going after their account numbers as well (right click where it says "view profile"). This way if any of these new recruits change their names I'll still be able to track them. If anything this incident is letting us know we still have the largest fan club on Newgrounds (lol).
At 8/7/04 12:55 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:At 8/7/04 12:27 AM, wazup190 wrote: WHY does it always seem that alot more people want to join when we are being hacked, last time like 25 people tried to join.Well any publicity is good publicity wazup190 and due to current events I guess our name got around again.
You hit the nail on the head, although i haven't heard the name going around. I have noticed that postings within the army's forums are much more frequent when these problems come up!
it all works out in the end, looks like the army continues to grow well
At 8/7/04 01:20 AM, Bila wrote:At 8/7/04 12:55 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Well any publicity is good publicity wazup190 and due to current events I guess our name got around again.You hit the nail on the head, although i haven't heard the name going around. I have noticed that postings within the army's forums are much more frequent when these problems come up. It all works out in the end, looks like the army continues to grow well.
Thanks for your support Bila, I appreciate it more than you know. The funny thing is this whole event is kinda like a vicious circle that seems to be slowly working in our favor. I won't go into detail but the more I analyze the situation the more it makes me smile. I'm just waiting for some asshat to start whining about us not using our own forums (lol).
Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
At 8/7/04 01:37 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: Hey guys...sup? Just droppin in to see hey/ So what's new with the NGA these days?
Oh ya know. Spammers, Hackers, Mods on our ass, yet somehow getting more members and more pages and more posts. Ya know, the usual. lol.
At 8/7/04 02:17 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Yea, best bet is wolf. Unless you are tricking us? Hmm...
First rule when dealing with a hacking. Everyone is a suspect.
Which reminds me, anyone seen Kenshin around? Just a thought.
well i have made it my business to keep tabs on him for future reference, cant be too careful
after his falling out of the NGA he changed his name to segeric and just posts in the general forum for the most part...i also noticed that a certain "segeric" tried to join the army and was accepted with open arms, and with no investigation as to who this person might be.
go ahead and check the posts by segeric, a few pages back you should find his open appology towards me and the army for making such a ruckuss, thus proving that (unless there are two segerics, one for the NGA forum and one for here) kenshin is a sneaky bastard trying to get back into the army
tsk tsk
kenshin if you happen to read this never forget that im gonna be watchin your ass, so dont fuck around
At 8/7/04 03:07 AM, HeinousAnus wrote:Which reminds me, anyone seen Kenshin around? Just a thought.stuff
ha, kenshin is so BOOKED! lol. it's good you are keeping tabs on him, you never know what he may be up to.
well..... atleast he truely does love the army.... To bad he can't join AHAHAHAHAHA good, that is what he deserves for what he did. And like I said before, I did offer to watch your account at the same time LOL o, well. I guess he didn't get that promotion he was promised... ahahahahaha LOL
At 8/7/04 03:38 AM, HeinousAnus wrote: you know, the only reason why i gave the mission to himinstead of you was because i knew you were probably due for a promotiona nyway, so i figured i would give a new guy a chance to make a good hell he did >.<
yea, before that whole thing. I didn't get one promotion from the army, and I was in it for like 3 months at that point.
when I saw that oppotunity, I was so happy. then you gave it to him, and I was pissed. But now I do not care, becuase I am a major now :)
:so i figured i would give a new guy a chance to make a good hell he did >.<
LOL yea I'd say he watched your account pretty damn good [sarcasm] LOL. well that is the past.
now on to future things, like how everyone on the GYS is doing tonight ?
O,and quikfox, I was wondering if you could make me a sig ?
At 8/7/04 02:13 AM, AvrilLavigne wrote: Um, I'm reformed, please don't throw out random accusations, because I have been watching this thread, trying to help out and ban spammers and what not. I'm not trying to make problems anymore.
But Dobio, it's always the best idea to randomly accuse people. Especially in the minds of idiots. If they'd think for a second, they'd realize how stupid they are.
Hell, I know if I wanted a bunch of idiots to stop spamming their shit club on newgrounds and just take it to their own site, the first thing I'd do is hack that site and give them less of a choice where to post. Because that's the logic in retard-land.
At 8/7/04 02:13 AM, AvrilLavigne wrote:
thank you for thinking. seriously, it is becoming a rare thing in here. I never suspected you though.
At 8/7/04 07:49 AM, MikeNelson wrote: Hell, I know if I wanted a bunch of idiots to stop spamming their shit club on newgrounds and just take it to their own site, the first thing I'd do is hack that site and give them less of a choice where to post. Because that's the logic in retard-land.
stop thinking and start reading, thinking is not your strongest point. We never were hacked, we just call it hacking because it has the same effect on us. You cannot "hack" us, but another person can due to that he is that person. I'm not going into details cause that wont be neccessary. it is a very long password with no logic in it at all, and there are about 300 billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion possible entries.
next to that the forums may be down, but thats not going to stop the Daily wisdom: in an avarage swimming pool kids pee 1000 liters of urine, anually.
Great! Daily wisdom, that's good. We already had a little bunch of Us Russians back there but Dimitri got banned for it LOL!
And BTW, there ARE no more admins to work on the site. The only registered people are Pw3D By Meh, \w/, simsine604 and NiggaSayWut. I know this because I used an anonymizer to hide my IP.
At 8/7/04 09:24 AM, Libidinor wrote: stop thinking and start reading,
Start reading what exactly? I was brought up as a "suspect" of "hacking" your forums when -Axe- said "I wouldn't rule out Hice,Dobio or TheJoe324." Why would I want to delete your posts, accounts, whatever on your forums if they keep you off of this site even a little bit? It's obvious there are many of us that want you to just go there and stop posting your shit here. Why would I want to give you LESS places to post?
thinking is not your strongest point.
For someone that ignores the point of my post and just targets a single word (That I only used because you and everyone else were referring to him as a "hacker" and that the forum was "hacked" since that seems the main thing you're concerned about, the fact that I referred to "hacking.") it's funny that you say that.
Maybe your members should think before randomly accusing people.