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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 00:38:44

At 8/6/04 12:29 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I'm hanging in there QuikFox, trying to stay one step ahead of Bila monster in the point game.

Haha, I'm just trying to pass Commie in that very game. I saw that Libi posted the new blam list and I was right below him and he said hes going to be working on his blamming/saving more now.

Starting to develop a slight headache. I hope that has nothing to do with the biohazard alarm I had earlier (lol). I need some air.

LOL. That would be to much for me. Biohazard alarm goes off and people would be asking me to help or something. All I could say is "Fuck you, I'm leaving." Then I'd run away as fast as I could against the wind, just to be careful.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 00:48:32

Alright, sorry for the double post but I gotta ask cause its pissing me off. Does the link to my website go to my site or does it lead to NG? And if leads to NG why is that? That is my fan-net link is should give me points when its clicked.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 01:27:57

...a Newgrounds army?

Whoa, that's a scary thought...

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 01:34:53

I am good Fox. Could be better if I was 21 had 200 condoms and 100 chicks...but other than That, fine.

I wouldn't put it past some of these polititions to buy British Colombia from Canada! lol. I mean, the officals, Polititions, and Celebrities will need a nice place to go after they findout that terrorist will bomb the democratic and then Republican conventions! Fuck, the way madison square garden and the Fleet center are from above is just like a fuckin target! We got tons of ground defense...how about air defense. I hate ignorance from high ranking officals. It should not exist. But I digress from everything that matters. I need 14 points untill lvl 10 still :D YAY!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 02:21:35

Well, I have no clue what you are talking about, probably cause I don't pay attention, but Nice Job Mod person. You told me not to thank you...so I won't! But Nice Job Avril...if that is your real name! lol j/k

Well, I will see you all tomorrow at some point...I do have just 2 days left...tomorrow EST and The day after that. The weekend, in case you care! Knight.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 02:23:47

At 8/6/04 01:50 AM, AvrilLavigne wrote: And Transkar shuts his stupid yap. There you go folks, no need to thank me. :)

Fine then,you don't get no hawt man-seckz from meh tonight.

P.S. Don't reply to those types of people, and I guarantee they won't bother posting as much, if at all.

9 times out of 10,you whind up deleting their posts anyway.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 02:50:36

Here's your Chief advisors update of the day:

work = gay
NGAN 2 = 20%
New members = processed in 4 hours or you get a free slurpee
AIM = Not on till later

I'm trying to keep up with you guy's but it's taking all I got just to deposit each day. I'm only able to check the Forums once every couple days so if any big stuff needs my attention email me at my earthlink account. I'll post an teaser for NGAN 2 soon, bear with me, it'll get done, i promise.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 04:12:53

I turst you with NGAN2 Paulz.
What do you think of the Officers mess thing?


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 04:16:52

how do you now i'm from belguim?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 05:55:11

god, you guys are still doing internet roleplay?

oh yeah, and how did your lame attempt of spying on WTFNOOB go? that's right, you guys got banned. lolol.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 08:15:25

hmm what lvl do u have to be to join if I can join, can I?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 08:37:43

thanks for the help guys ill come back when im lvl 9

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 08:42:40

yeah Ive already joined it, well only just joined it

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 09:59:01

At 8/6/04 04:16 AM, LockLock wrote: how do you now i'm from belguim?

I know you from the Dutch ppl club :p

At 8/6/04 01:50 AM, AvrilLavigne wrote: And Transkar shuts his stupid yap. There you go folks, no need to thank me. :)

Still I thank you : )

At 8/5/04 08:58 PM, MasterStalker wrote: I suggest you stop before The real NG army official flame you

umm...we dont flame. We dont respond to flamers. We ignore them. I suggest you do the same.

At 8/5/04 07:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I just read the past 10 pages of NGA or so... I don't think he was planning an "attack," he just seems to be a paranoid person.

I like your version better then SPGs...not entirely true but atleast better. Next time he'll say I'm going to take over NG.

At 8/5/04 07:19 PM, MikeNelson wrote: You have "informants" to tell you when I change my name? Not only is that odd, it's insane. It's sad that you're obsessed with me that much. I'm thinking about banning you for stalking me now. I hope you don't pay them much. If you are paying them, I suggest you get your money back.

I was just joking when saying "informants"...keep your pants on! And I'm not obsessed with you. Next to that, you cant ban me for noticing that you changed your name. Its not in the BBS rules.

At 8/5/04 06:54 PM, JohnJMangini wrote: Hmmm,plotting an attack against the mods or some sort?Why would you need to know their current names?
You're on a need to know baisis and you don't need to know.

How come you think that. check your mail.

wow that was the longest post I ever made...

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 11:46:25

At 8/6/04 05:55 AM, IHateTheInternet wrote: god, you guys are still doing internet roleplay?

This counts as internet roleplay?
We are not pretending to be made up characters
& then playing out fictional situations as the
prementioned characters.
shure we have assigned ourselves ranks & stuff
but I would hardly call it roleplaying..
It's not like we live out litte situations where we get someone to
dress up as a flash file & beat them with sticks...
(possibly fun).. :)


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 11:53:30

i suggest you take a look at this near te bottom it has an interesting pic of the fearless leader Enoll
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=157759Enoll and the 12ball

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 12:00:29

how long does it takes when my account is activated?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 12:01:37

At 8/6/04 11:53 AM, robowing wrote: i suggest you take a look at this near te bottom it has an interesting pic of the fearless leader Enoll

What's that got to do with anything?...
I was challenged & I won..HAH!
Even if it wasn't a serious challenge.. :)
Yes it is a stupid picture...
But the same level of stupidity also applies to you
& you ability to misspell "the".


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 12:01:53

At 8/6/04 09:59 AM, Libidinor wrote: I was just joking when saying "informants"...keep your pants on!

some people can't tell when other people joke, oh well. why the hell would you need informants anyway that's just pointless and stupid. seriously :)

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 12:02:54

At 8/6/04 12:00 PM, LockLock wrote: how long does it takes when my account is activated?

Be patient it will happen.
I wish people would stop asking for thier verification
& just wait..


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 12:04:30

At 8/6/04 11:46 AM, Enoll wrote: (possibly fun).. :)

Haha, that would probally be fun. I'm going to have to round up some people and try that out. I, of course, will not be the flash character. I'll beat that person with a stick of course though.

At 8/6/04 12:00 PM, LockLock wrote: how long does it takes when my account is activated?

Whenever an admin gets around to it. Its just another forum and there isn't much to do there to post, so its not that big of a deal. Also, it probally depends on what you put in your profile, if you put something suspicious in there its likey it'll take longer. Just relax you'll get activated eventually.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 13:00:43

This is awesome! Heated debates between people! Either that or I am nt paying attention to what you guys are saying. o well.

Well, I have nothing else to say except: basjdmc. And If anyone needs me, I will be around. Just ask.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 13:33:06

At 8/6/04 09:59 AM, Libidinor wrote: I was just joking when saying "informants"...keep your pants on! And I'm not obsessed with you. Next to that, you cant ban me for noticing that you changed your name. Its not in the BBS rules.

Well the next time you decide to make another retarded post like that,warn us that it's a joke..And I personally don't care if you don't like the shit I type or the stuff I do.

Because that post seemed as though you were plotting,and I'm sure Joe felt the same way.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 14:32:40

What's that got to do with anything?...
I was challenged & I won..HAH!
Even if it wasn't a serious challenge.. :)
Yes it is a stupid picture...
But the same level of stupidity also applies to you
& you ability to misspell "the".

yeah but last time i checked i had more points overall on KOL
so ;)

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 14:38:13

Gen Enoll you sure showed that hulk guy, lol.
now show me what you've got. I'm winning to easy : ) Here's the difference in blam points per day.
day 1 : -62 day 2 : -54 day 3 : -47 day 4 : -9 day 5 : +53 day 6 : +84
In 6 days I have made 146 blampoints more then you did :D

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 15:34:25

I've posted two mission suggestions in the mission suggestion topic at HQ. I'd very much like 3 gens to take a look at it.
Next to that I'd say we need a new SOA.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 16:13:30

At 8/6/04 12:00 PM, LockLock wrote: how long does it takes when my account is activated?

No worries LockLock, I just activated your account. If there's any problems just shoot up a flare and I'll get back to you. I hope your voting power put you at Second Lieutenant because that's the rank I started you at.

At 8/6/04 03:34 PM, Libidinor wrote: I've posted two mission suggestions in the mission suggestion topic at HQ. I'd very much like 3 gens to take a look at it.

I'll take a boo Colonel, right after I grab another cup of java (I'm at the cafe right now). It's just pouring outside and I love it. I think I'm gonna walk to work today. You should watch those cryptic posts Libidinor. Let's not throw a wrench into the machine.

"When the machine breaks down we break down."

-Sergeant Barnes- Platoon

Next to that I'd say we need a new SOA.

Call me stupid Colonel but what does SOA stand for? I probably know this, my brain's just not fully awake.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 16:18:04

General Recon...SOA is Secretary Of the Army. We need a new one after Q left. And I know it may not be much But I am going to nominate someone...you will see who. Muahahahahaha! Sorry.

Paulz, sir, if you ever go on AIM, I will IM you my request for SOA.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 16:23:16

At 8/6/04 04:13 PM, fbipolux wrote: Okay, Enoll, I waited 4 months already... Isnt that ok? Can you ask the administators to send me a Confirmation letter please?

You DO realize your name on the NG Army site is supposed to be identical to your alias on Newgrounds don't you fbipolux? I did a user search and it said your name doesn't exist. Throw me some clues here and I might be able to help you.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 16:48:58

At 8/6/04 04:28 PM, fbipolux wrote: But now that you tell me that it got deleted (it's normal, after 4 months), that mean I can try again because I already signed up as fbipolux... Let's hope this time it will work.

Your account and rank have been activated fbipolux. I apologize for the delay. I just wish some of you waiting for your accounts would e-mail me. I check it every other day.

And yeah I knew it was supposed to be identical, I'm not stupid...

I never said you were stupid fbipolux, I didn't know if you were aware of that particular rule. I'm still getting used to this admin stuff so ease up Sergeant.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature