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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 18:49:29

At 8/6/04 06:44 PM, Disastergrounds wrote: we need to make another forum, (ezboard perhaps) and get some kind of screening process to make sure this does not happen again

We don't need an ezboard. Trust me, those suck major ass and are much easier to get around passwords and accounts. They are just not as good as what we have now. We already have a screening process in place also, its just we don't have and SOA so its kinda hard to have it work out.
I would do the SOA position and I'm sure Wazup190 would also be glad to take that position.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 19:02:43

At 8/6/04 06:49 PM, QuikFox wrote: I would do the SOA position and I'm sure Wazup190 would also be glad to take that position.

I already suggested that whoever does the SOA position, I would be there "advisor" kind of. I would love to do it, but dont have enough time.
but I think you should be the SOA quik, you are always online :)

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 19:07:18

At 8/6/04 06:41 PM, QuikFox wrote: Also, Ghost I'm going to steal you sig and I'm going to see how many people I can get to use it for a while. That is or course, if its fine with you. Haha, god I love that sig.

fine with me, i was just trying to see if you would use it. experiment complete i guess now to see about the ASM

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 19:10:05

At 9/26/03 10:28 PM, Enoll wrote: I'm proposing and army for NG...
(not like guns & stuff)
more like a mix of "the blam club" and the
"whistle club".
It will be the ultimate force on NG.
So if you're part of The blam club, whistle club or anything simialr.. come & join... or if you just wanna be in..
if we get enough people I'll make a little NG ARMY logo

Can I join.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 19:16:21

At 8/6/04 11:46 AM, Enoll wrote: shure we have assigned ourselves ranks & stuff
but I would hardly call it roleplaying..

role-play (rlpl)
v. role-·played, role-·play·ing, role-·plays

To assume deliberately the part or role of; act out.

you act like the army. that = roleplay.

At 8/6/04 07:59 AM, fbipolux wrote: Internet Roleplay?? I dont really know... Are we doing internet Role playing?

Okay yeah, it's fun to ignore all these noobs saying stupidities in one-line summaries. But I prefer when they get banned or when their posts got deleted.

are you implying that i should get banned? that can get you banned.

and i like how you guys ignore this part of my post.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 19:30:00

At 8/6/04 07:10 PM, Nivim wrote: Can I join.

Sorry. You can't right now. We have a policy in place at the moment that only allows people at level 9 or higher to join. You can check back when you get there and ask to join then. It doesn't take that long, about a month, so its not that bad.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 19:41:30

can we put in place the "dont complain about it or get demoted yet" rule ? cause I think we just need to go on like normal, and let the Gens. handle this. without posting about it.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:06:24

Hi everybody this is Dimitri Mishkin,

It seems NGA is beeing hacked again... because of this I created a forum for NGA members//mods and admins, so they can chat about what's happening there.

I think it's very handy to have a NGA council in dark times.

Here is the link:


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:10:43

LOL! I made something just like that Haha


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:18:27

At 8/6/04 07:16 PM, IHateTheInternet wrote:
At 8/6/04 11:46 AM, Enoll wrote: shure we have assigned ourselves ranks & stuff, but I would hardly call it roleplaying..
role-play (rlpl) v. role-·played, role-·play·ing, role-·plays

How many people signed up for a Newgrounds account with the intention of assuming another identity ron? Wouldn't that fall under the same category? You gotta admire the ethics of someone who continues to dump on you when you're still down.

By the way, what's the word on the forum back-up? Who's area is that anyway? Did we permanently lose all those posts? Can we possibly get a list of all the IP addresses that are banned from the NGA site so that this might be prevented next time?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:22:49

At 8/6/04 08:18 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Site Worries

I'm pretty sure they've got a backup somewhere but that'll only put back the threads and posts. We'll probally have to make an account again, for those of us who got deleted, i.e. Me. I also think that out post count will be reset to 0 again.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:24:23

Still under pressure from The Mods I see. lol. I hate the internet too...Ihatetheinternet.

Well, this is fine and dandy...just one question. What is the CSM? I am confuzzlled.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:31:29



This Link does not contain the word "NGA" you see, WOLF will find everything that has to do with the nga and delete it.

He will never find out the existens of this council you see.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:33:29

At 8/6/04 08:31 PM, Ansuperevilgenius wrote: JOIN:


This Link does not contain the word "NGA" you see, WOLF will find everything that has to do with the nga and delete it.

He will never find out the existens of this council you see.


Well ya gave it away now! Geinus my ass! lol j/k. Hi Dimitri! Nice to see you here.

I want to see the Problem at NGA. Let me just take a peek. I will be riiiighht back.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:34:39

Well, let me do a little advertising myself :P

Go to http://ngabackup.proboards32.com/ and join the NGA BACKUP FORUM if you want. It's just a little thing I created as a backup.

I dont know if the very very old backup forum still works.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:35:00

At 8/6/04 08:24 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: What is the CSM? I am confuzzlled.

Haha, it was a really retarded club that was started just cause the memebers were mad that the SSM and the ASM. They said the ASM never made them any sigs and the SSM took too long to make sigs. It was kinda funny cause it took them the 1st 2 pages to get one sig done, and they knew nothing about the programs they used to make sigs.
Feel free to use and share my current sig celebrating the demise of that club.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:46:16

At 8/6/04 08:18 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: How many people signed up for a Newgrounds account with the intention of assuming another identity ron? Wouldn't that fall under the same category? You gotta admire the ethics of someone who continues to dump on you when you're still down.

last time i checked, i wasn't the one going around doing "missions" and calling people "sir." and i don't really see how i am assuming another identity. i'm just being ron, mr. recon_rebel, if that IS your real name.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:46:33

At 8/6/04 08:31 PM, Ansuperevilgenius wrote: This Link does not contain the word "NGA" you see, WOLF will find everything that has to do with the nga and delete it.

Like I said to libidinor. this is not wolf-'s work. I could be wrong, but this does not seem like wolf-'s style at all.
I have talked to wolf- on his chat, and he didn't even know about it. I know what you're thinking "why wouldn't he deny it"
well that simple, becuase did he deny it before? NO, he took full blame for it. so he would now.
So I dont think he should be creditted for this work, before you know for sure.

Retrogade Art

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 20:57:44

At 8/6/04 08:10 PM, _Mithrandir_ wrote: LOL! I made something just like that Haha


How many times are you assclowns going to spam those dayum links?

Seriously,stop with the dumbshit cause I think everyone seen the links the first time they were posted..Understood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 21:01:21

I never join backup forums. Not my style.

Well, seems like, to quote George W. Bush...when he was parodied on Conan O'Brien: "Sorry Conan, but we are now at Code Red...Sorry Conan, but we are now at Double Code red...once again I am very sorry Conan, but we are now at Baboon's ass code red! Fun

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 21:41:49

hey can sombody in here take a look at my blams/protects and tell me if there like above average or below average or just average concidering when i signed up?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 21:50:37

hey guys wats up? i havent been here in a while so i thought i would post something. well i need alot more bp so ill be trying to get some so bye.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 21:51:07

At 8/6/04 09:41 PM, nr5714k wrote: hey can sombody in here take a look at my blams/protects and tell me if there like above average or below average or just average concidering when i signed up?

They are still pretty low you only have about 52, most people on this site have well over 1,000. But this is not a stat rating thread, don't ask questions like that in here. Check out the profile rater crew or something for that kinda stuff.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 21:56:39

At 8/6/04 09:51 PM, QuikFox wrote:
They are still pretty low you only have about 52, most people on this site have well over 1,000. But this is not a stat rating thread, don't ask questions like that in here. Check out the profile rater crew or something for that kinda stuff.

sorry about that but i said conciddering when i joind

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 22:05:23

mother fucker look at our site.

why us?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 22:12:37

At 8/6/04 10:05 PM, The_Fadin_Shade wrote: mother fucker look at our site.

why us?

Because people are assholes and they think they know how to do hacking and whatnot.

Don't mind me,I'm just pissed off because of this whole incident.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 22:23:46

At 8/6/04 10:05 PM, The_Fadin_Shade wrote: mother fucker look at our site.

why us?

Well at least you didn't have you account deleted. I guess I'm also banned now so I'm really screwed cause of this attack. Anybody care to free me from this ban? That would be super.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 22:25:41

everyone should go spam the forums to death. thats what I was doing. then they have to waste thier time, deleting it all.
O yea, I got an IP ban for it. I cant even access the site now.
I posted like 1000 "GET THE FUCK OUT" topics in the ngarmy forums.
O yea, and I retract what I said, I do think it is wolf- doing this now. there is not a doubt in my head that it is him.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 22:27:36

At 8/6/04 10:12 PM, -Axe- wrote:
At 8/6/04 10:05 PM, The_Fadin_Shade wrote: Mother fucker look at our site. Why us?
Because people are assholes and they think they know how to do hacking and whatnot. Don't mind me, I'm just pissed off because of this whole incident.

I'm not gonna let it bring me down although it is kinda annoying that some little pecker head out there is filling his pants over this. So when do you figure we'll be up and operating again -Axe-? Soon I hope. In the meantime here's a few more facts for you guys to chew on.

Military Rules #15 & #16

If you are short of everything but the enemy, welcome to the combat zone.

Any ship can be a minesweeper..... once.


Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-06 22:32:02

Hey guys, whats happeneing, what did i miss

I have been gone for the past 3 weeks on a road trip of the US so i need everything thats happened in the last month, alright.
