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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 01:11:52

At 8/8/04 12:38 AM, Jujube_Lock wrote: speach

what was that about? I dont think that this thread will be dead anytime soon. it has been havineg some difficulties, but it is no where near being locked. Common it's the biggest thread on ng's, and I think it's one of the clubs that helps ng's the most.
To lock this club, would be like taking away a bunch of dedicated members, away from ng's. I dont think ng's will die soon, and as long as everyone is trying to keep it alive..... It wont.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 01:22:12

At 8/8/04 01:11 AM, wazup190 wrote: what was that about? I dont think that this thread will be dead anytime soon. it has been havineg some difficulties, but it is no where near being locked. Common it's the biggest thread on ng's, and I think it's one of the clubs that helps ng's the most.
To lock this club, would be like taking away a bunch of dedicated members, away from ng's. I dont think ng's will die soon, and as long as everyone is trying to keep it alive..... It wont.

Don't be sad, like I said, we did what we needed to do and thats about the end of it. I'm sure the members will still keep in touch through aim and what not.

Enoll made me a 4 star general for the final hours, so I'd like to make Quikfox and Libidinor 2 stars and the Russians one star generals just for the sake of title.

My last wish as a 4 star general is that no one tries to make another site or another thread. Anything made after this will simply be in bad taste and will ruin the last of the reputation the club had.

Enoll will deliver a speech soon enough and our disbanding will commence.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 01:34:07

I'd like to know why we are closing down. I see no reason why to.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 01:38:03

At 8/8/04 01:26 AM, Wolf- wrote: If you do pass the biggest topic, which you won't, you really will be the spammiest mother fuckers on this dear site.

We will pass it Wolf-... and so will a lot of other clubs. You have got to be about the biggest asshole I've ever ran into on the net. I can only pray I get to meet you in real life.

It will, all we need is Enoll to say something along the lines of "Lock this thread, kthx".

Enoll would never do that moron. He'll turn over the leadership to one of the 4 Star Generals and things will continue to operate as normal. I hope that made you squirm.

It is that simple.

Like you? I worship the ground that awaits you.

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Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 01:45:42

Well, I come back and the thread is supposed to close. Anyways, what is the biggest topic? I don't know.

Well, I made it to level 10. I am a captain. I have had fun. Good-bye NGA!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 01:50:48

Well people..
this is it.

My last post in the NGA topic...& the last for many.
after this I am askng that it be locked.
You may ask why..
I say this.
I started this club to try & make NG more fun for everyone...
beacuse that's what it's all about...but in the last month or
two it's had an opposite effect....it's not fun for me anymore..
& alot of people hate anything to do with it.

We've had a good run...made some decent flash..
made ne or two friends & it's been good working with all of

In the end I have decided that it will be better for NG
if the army just went away..it's become near pointless
& nothing really goes on except for one or two flashes that
have come out and some fun little competitions.

Some will be mad/furious..others won't care..
& afew will be happy.
but just beacuse the army is gone doesn't mean we stil
can't all be friends...still make flash..still get those b/p points.

So chin up lads...keep on making NG better..
but do it without the lable of the army...do it as
an individual.

Your Ex-General

..I would recomend noone tries to keep it going.
& to the other Gens...it's been good.



Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 01:54:17

At 8/8/04 01:50 AM, Enoll wrote: A damn good speech


When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom "Let it Be."

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 01:56:01

At 8/8/04 01:50 AM, Enoll wrote: My last post in the NGA topic...& the last for many.
after this I am askng that it be locked.

So Wolf- was right. I'm sorry to hear that Enoll. I was a good run but I wish we would've finished the race.

You may ask why..

Naw, I really don't care anymore. Not now. Take care people.


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Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 02:00:31

At 8/8/04 01:38 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: We will pass it Wolf-... and so will a lot of other clubs. You have got to be about the biggest asshole I've ever ran into on the net. I can only pray I get to meet you in real life.

i can second that

man, this is a real bust for all members man, especialy for the origenal members like kool, recon, jacket, enoll, jimong and some others and myself. all i can say is that it was a good run, but cuz of some assholes, this just died.

good run §

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 02:03:04

I hate you wolf. lol. You are one funny fuck.

It has been Good Enoll. Wow! First time I just said Enoll! lol.

Closing statement: I joined about 200-300 pages ago. I may not be the newest, I may not be the oldest of members. But it was fun. Good times. Fun times. Internet friends. Able to get my fucked up way of life out in the open. lol.

So, I say Bye. Bye to the army, bye to the Topic. I know the Joe Is going to savor closing this shit. Hopefully all of my Allies, Aquaintences, and enemies(Hice, Wolf lol) can still be either Neutral or Freinds outside of the army? I just don't need Hice Calling me stupid every 3 minutes after I say something stupid and Wolf to Call me a Jackass or Dickhead at any random time.

So, Good Bye NGA. That is all...

P.S: I was getting sick and tired of it anyways. I was thinking of going AWOL or Spam and get DD'ed. But this is better.

P.S.S: Who was the "Hacker"? Was it you wolf? lol.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 02:09:40

NO Enoll, how can you let them win? you let the other people who attempted to shut us down becuase they are assholes win. :'(
change your mind, if you are not enjoying it, give it away to recon, he is the most loyal gen this army has seen(well atleast since I been a member)
well, if you dont change your mind, I enjoyed being in the army, I made lots of friends here. good bye Enoll.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 02:23:37

Well, I think we should be nice and let TheJoe and what's his name...dayum...o well, the other guy who hates us and is amod. Let them lock us. Let them shut us down. lol. They wanted it. They got it.

Oh, and wazup, they didn't win. Well, they did, but they still are retarded. Remember: Winning a fight on the Internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.

Oh. I just want to say something since I got my first demotion and when people took this thing way tooooo seriously.

To all that are involved in the above: Fuck You!

That felt good. I didn't say it to you because I didn't want a DD from the army. I wanted to hang with you guys.

Libi, that one was mostly you. You gloat and act like an ass too much. Just being honest. Nothing personal against you.

Wazup, we will see each other at KoL. lol.

Enoll, I barely knew thee. lol.

Paulz, just stop the flash were it is and add an ending that says: "Locked", give the explaination for it, and end your flash there. You were like a mentor to me. Bye man! Maybe we can talk on AIM...if you are ever on...lol.

John(SPG): Hi... nothing really to say here. lol.

The Russians: Nice to know some guys who are russian. I just need that...

Recon: You were like a mentor. I think you should post your final Army Rule before we are locked man. Bye man.

All others I have missed: Bye, it has been real.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 02:36:29

At 8/8/04 02:23 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Well, I think we should be nice and let TheJoe and what's his name...dayum...o well, the other guy who hates us and is amod. Let them lock us. Let them shut us down. lol. They wanted it. They got it.

Oh, and wazup, they didn't win. Well, they did, but they still are retarded. Remember: Winning a fight on the Internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.

for that comment you are demoted for you second time LOL
well, I guess there is nothing to do. Enoll made his decision. though I wish he would of just let it keep going without him. it's been doing that for the last month. O and I hope you see this Enoll, I am not trying to be rude. But here it is. when you started this topic, did you intend to stop it dead in it's tracks? or did you want it to be the best? well, obviously you wanted it to be it's best, and now you are killing it. after all the work you, and other people have DONE for YOU. you think you would respect that enough that you wouldn't have this topic locked. I guess you dont respect it. o, well.

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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 02:46:13

At 8/8/04 01:50 AM, Enoll wrote: Well people..
this is it.

My last post in the NGA topic...& the last for many.
after this I am askng that it be locked.
You may ask why..
I say this.
I started this club to try & make NG more fun for everyone...
beacuse that's what it's all about...but in the last month or
two it's had an opposite effect....it's not fun for me anymore..
& alot of people hate anything to do with it.

We've had a good run...made some decent flash..
made ne or two friends & it's been good working with all of

I'm sorry to see in army disband, I've actually some degree of camaraderie. even though I hadn't joined, I've felt accepted here.

Goodby NGA, i'll miss this forum

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 02:51:50

At 8/8/04 02:09 AM, wazup190 wrote: NO Enoll, how can you let them win?

personally i think it is the best thing he can do for the army at this point. everyone who is in the army is being bashed by those not in the army, those who want to join cant get in because we are afraid that another <sarcasm>hacker</sarcasm> is going to mess up the thread that we dont even need. if we were to actually reach that goal of being the biggest club (in post count) then all that would do is cause more turmoil, more flaming, more hatred.

ppl seem to forget that this is a website, not life...so what if a club reaches a certain post count or not? no skin off my nose, but apparantly there are those who feel differently, and im sure they have their reasons one way or another. But even they must eventually come to terms with themselves and realize that it is ultimately pointless.

have any of you actually tried this? go ahead and turn off the monitor and sit there clicking your mouse and typing stuff on the keyboard for about an hour. You may think it to be stupid, but that is in essence what we are all doing for several hours a day for several days of the weeks for several months of the year.

some ppl become so consumed by the internet they actually think it is life. To those i say get outside more, get a girfriend and go have some hot fucking, lord knows its more stimulating than anything else you would normally be doing in your chair while tediously builing your computer tan

it is a bit ironic though, i was actually going to come here to make my final post, not even knowing that Enoll was going to request that it be locked, i am just sick of the drama, its a fucking soap opera with everyone nowadays, im just tired of it all.

having said what i came to say, im going to sign off of my computer, and i am going to a party to get massively drunk, stoned, and all around fucked up

i bid good evening to you all


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 03:02:05

At 8/8/04 02:51 AM, HeinousAnus wrote: personally i think it is the best thing he can do for the army at this point. everyone who is in the army is being bashed by those not in the army, those who want to join cant get in because we are afraid that another <sarcasm>hacker</sarcasm> is going to mess up the thread that we dont even need. if we were to actually reach that goal of being the biggest club (in post count) then all that would do is cause more turmoil, more flaming, more hatred.

yes you are right, it is the best thing. I just got caught up in this shit cuase it was so sudden. now that I just smoked up, I really dont give a shit.

ppl seem to forget that this is a website, not life...so what if a club reaches a certain post count or not? no skin off my nose, but apparantly there are those who feel differently, and im sure they have their reasons one way or another. But even they must eventually come to terms with themselves and realize that it is ultimately pointless.

ha, I never forget that this is just the internet, I have an outside life. But when I am bored with nothing to do, this is where I chill. you know?

have any of you actually tried this? go ahead and turn off the monitor and sit there clicking your mouse and typing stuff on the keyboard for about an hour. You may think it to be stupid, but that is in essence what we are all doing for several hours a day for several days of the weeks for several months of the year.

I am not going to do that, becuase it is a waste fo time. and I relize thats what you are trying to say.

some ppl become so consumed by the internet they actually think it is life. To those i say get outside more, get a girfriend and go have some hot fucking, lord knows its more stimulating than anything else you would normally be doing in your chair while tediously builing your computer tan

like i said, I go out alot. but when my plans flop and I am bored as fuck. I just chill and talk in the army. I didn't really get into the internet till I joined the army. so it is like I have no reason to come online anymore.and I agree, a fine bitch is much better then the internet.

it is a bit ironic though, i was actually going to come here to make my final post, not even knowing that Enoll was going to request that it be locked, i am just sick of the drama, its a fucking soap opera with everyone nowadays, im just tired of it all.

Actually, I was thinking of quiting to. alot of other members I was talking to were thinking about it to. I guess it would have died regardless.

having said what i came to say, im going to sign off of my computer, and i am going to a party to get massively drunk, stoned, and all around fucked up

I am already stoned :D have fun

i bid good evening to you all




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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 03:17:44

Damn, being in this great army was lots of fun, I met lots of nice people. well since I'm not a speech guy, I'm just going to say it...

Good bye NG ARMY


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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 03:31:03

As morning will arise soon here on the grassy Knoll. I bid you all a fond goodnight and Thearmy a fond farewell.

The time has come for us to part we knew it would not stay strong. I will see the members here and there, but the group she is now gone.

So I leave with these final words of a gent's quest for fun. Our enemies won the battle, but the war has just begun.

We may be shut down, we may be rejected, we may not return. But, in everyone's minds, shall our impact burn.

So I say farewell, fellow army, we will not meet again. On the eighth day in August, 2004, Did the NGA End.

I just made that on the spot. Bye NGA! Good night all!


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 08:52:48

OMG i'm so shocked to hear the army is finished. I would like to thank all members for accepting Me and Dimitri in this army. I'm sure I had a good time (and Dimitri as well).

I also would like to thank General Jujube_lock for his special promotion (just for the sake of the title). As you know Arkady Ourumov is a general in the movie Goldeney. Now I can finally call myself GENERAL Ourumov.

It's been great. This is General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov signing off.

<img src="http://www11.brinkster.com/mbal/pictures/private/bscap012.jpg">

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-08 09:06:26

Before I go, I would just like to quote Gandalf from Return of the King:

"Here at last, on the shores of the Sea... comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say, do not weep; for not all tears are evil."