At 8/5/04 06:57 AM, Libidinor wrote:
I wonder why both The joe and Dobio decided to change their names, The Joe is now Duckman and Dobio is Avril Lavigne. Something fishy is going around here.
Something fishy? Joe and Dobio (and Ron, and Tanner, and poxpower) change their names like 2 times a month, if not more, on average. Where have you been for the past year+?
At 8/5/04 10:21 AM, QuikFox wrote:
At 8/5/04 10:18 AM, Chefcoop wrote:
Its been locked join the NG Officers Mess instead.
You were told to quit stealing our recruits. Do it one more time, hell, post in this thread one more time and I swear to god you'll get a week vaction from the BBS. There are plenty of people in here that have some pretty big connections and they, including I, will not think twice about asking their help.
How is Chefcoop recommending level 2 NG users (that CANNOT join your NGA by the NGA level 9+ rule) go and join the NG Officers Mess until they qualify for this club "stealing recruits." That's ridiculous.
How about you wait until you've been modded by NG admin before you start threatening and swearing to god to get your "big connections" to ban them for 7 days, eh?
At 8/5/04 10:23 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote:
Seems like I was right about the NGA JR being locked. TheJoe, my best Guess. Oh, and Libi, TheJoe is now MikeNelson(That dude from Mystery Science Theatre 3000).
Um... seeing as how Dobio (AvrilLavigne) was the mod who posted that the thread was being locked.... I'd assume it was Dobio that locked NGA Jr, not Joe. O_o
At 8/5/04 10:54 AM, Dezkiller wrote:
It' is not stupid! and.... We are ur allies, LIKE IT OR NOT!
ahahahahaha. "OGM... I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO BE YOUR ALLY, I'M YOUR ALLY LIKE IT OR NOT!" Hilarious. You should go into diplomacy/foreign politics.